Today is Election Day in Minnesota

We vote in our primaries today. I know, I know, you already voted in the primaries, and the whole process seems like it is finished. But it isn't. The primaries are today, honest.

If you live in Minnesota, go here to find out where you vote. I vote at the local Lutheran Church.

I think,

This blog endorses Al Franken for United States Senate, Ashwin Madia for United States Congress, In fact, I'll be ad Madia Headquarters tonight working for the campaign.

Those of you who read this blog and are in Minneapolis may find this post at Almost Diamonds useful.

Warning: This blog contains a political advertisement. Do not take this blog with you to the polling area. Or, if you do, at least keep the sound down.


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"This blog endorses Al Franken"
Any move to elect comedians is to be highly recommended. How about John Stewart for president? Come to think of it Obama should have chosen him for a running mate. He would have enlivened the debate and is certainly more qualified than the feisty moose hunter with the out-of-control family.

Thanks for volunteering...there should be some decent food to munch on in the back kitchen area. Don't forget to pick up a couple of signs for your yard and some of your neighbors! Grassroots beats corporate PAC money (we earn our lawn signs, Paulsen buys his billboards with BIG OIL money).