Vote for the best biology project video

I. The Mitosis Cycle by Numbuh4

Best Cell Movie Ever by Jman1547

AP PKU Biology Project by prometheusjptr

Don't just vote, tell us why. Dpeak to details. is the science good/bad, how is the acting, did you like the sound track, etc. Did you laugh, did you cry, did you learn?

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I'm voting for PKU (#3).

I didn't like the music in #1. I wish I had more to say but I just can't get past that. Sorry.

#2 seemed rather dry. The animation was good, but the narration was like someone reading a couple of paragraphs out of a textbook. I didn't feel like the narrator was explaining anything to me but simply reciting a script.

#3 had what I found deficient in both of the above videos (and yes, I do have Thomas Dolby on my iPod--so sue me!). The animation was cute and the explanations were clear and included examples. (Very important!) I didn't care too much for the Coke commercial--the idea was clever, but for all the trouble they went through they could have made a faux commercial that was biology related. Maybe I'm nitpicking a bit about the Coke ad, but those are my thoughts.

There you have it--my vote and the why.