Bachmann's Remarks Incite Internal Opposition

A Republican Challenger has risen in the ranks of the Congressional Sixth District in Minnesota to directly challenge incumbent and Republican Nominee Michele Bachmann. Aubrey Immelman, a professor of poly-psy at St. John's University and College of St. Benedict, has registered as a writ-in candidate for the office.

Aubrey Immelman, who mounted an unsuccessful Republican primary challenge to U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, said today he will file to run as a write-in candidate for the 6th Congressional District in the Nov. 4 election.


Immelman said he sent an application to the office of Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie allowing write-in votes cast in his name to count as valid votes in the race.

He said he intends to offer himself as an "alternative for disillusioned Republicans" who cannot bring themselves to vote for DFL- and Independence Party-endorsed candidate Elwyn Tinklenberg or for Bob Anderson, the titular Independence Party candidate.

Source. Hat Tip to Ana

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I know it's totally unfair to pick on typos, but "poly-psy"? Really? What it that, the study of multiple psychologies?

I thought it was an amusing typo too, but if you click through, he's actually described as a professor of political psychology... so I guess it works!

Bachmann reminds me a lot of Karl Rove. Just think of over the top good stuff to say about her own party, and think of over the top bad stuff to say about the other party. Doesn't matter if it's true, doesn't matter if it makes sense. It's the delivery that matters the most. Pure political robotery...

@386sx: I agree that voicing suspicion of anti-Americanness among liberals is very Rovish, but I take issue with your use of the word "think" to describe dear Michele. There is nothing like thinking going on in the Bachmann life-form, just blind (when not eye-flashing) faith in a god that makes her hot for a party that has "welcomed" both her and her wingnut base into their folds. Objective truth and rational sense have no place in a cause to serve HIS will (by holding public office as one of HIS, teaching as HE instructs, banking according to HIS doctrine, etc etc etc). Other than that, I agree, robotery.


Obviously, you are right. If anything, Rove is a sort of evil genius. Michele Bachmann is an evil ... whatever.