For The Lorax

You do know that it works like this:

Fungus and animals are sister taxa to the exclusion of plants.

This might make the following less scary. Or more scary.

Hat tip: The Lorax. The Lorax is here:

(Warning, that site will make noise when you open it.)

More like this

Nature is awesome. How can you not love it?

Transfer the fungus to humans and that would be a pretty good sci-fi/horror story. And please, let's hope it would remain only a story. Heebie-jeebies!

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! He said "Murshooms."

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 19 Nov 2008 #permalink

Thanks for the props Greg. I teach my students that fungi are genetically more similar to animals than plants, and then ask why mycology is still the bastion of botany depts. Regardless, I have wondered if the music is annoying or otherwise problematic. Mostly it is there for my benefit, but I wonder if I should remove it....

OK. They're our brethren. But the scariest quote (Attenborough, n'est pa?) is "The more numerous a species becomes, the more likely it will be attacked by its Nemesis...".

We're pretty numerous.

By uncle noel (not verified) on 19 Nov 2008 #permalink

Well, fugni should always be studied in the fungus department!

Music that turns itself on is always bad. Even when it is good.

In my neck of the woods (VT), every fall a different species of caterpillar gets slaughtered by these kinds of fungus. The fungus somehow makes the caterpillar climb high up (on plants, walls, railings) and then wither to a dry hard husk. Then a grey mold springs out(to spread spores?) They look freakin horrible. But its always a different species, and it seems to relate to population blooms.