Child abuse

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I love that mechanical forces creating life is somehow more magical and mysterious than a being, existing beyond reality, not only created everything but personally cares about. By love I mean it makes me want to bar doors and start fires.

Poe's law lives.

Something else to ruin your day, except in a Welsh accent.…

I thought of this one when I heard the girl use the "evolution is a fairy tale for adults" quote. Has anyone over your side of the pond seen it? I haven't done the spadework yet, but I think I could go to the index of creationist claims, and tick things off one by one. See the comments with the video as well, that's where I read the "fairy tale" quote.

I wonder where she gets her information. Not one transitional fossil found ever. 'Lucy' is a fraud. Charles Darwin was not a scientist, but a theologian. Michael Behe is a former atheist. And she has way more condescension than someone with her level of informedness is entitled to.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink