JC = Thumbs Up 4 Sotomayor

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday voted to approve Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice over nearly solid Republican opposition, paving the way for a historic confirmation vote.


Only one Republican voted in favor of Sotomayor (Linsey Graham). What bunch of morons.

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Hey, I would have voted against her, but at least it would have been for something other than making life hard for the President.

I would have voted against her for her (horrible) record on civil liberties -- she's already well on her way to being the most authoritarian Justice on the Court, which given recent appointments is going to be a hard-fought race.

On the other hand, she looks to be a brilliant detail jurist -- the perfect person for a Federal District Court. Pity she couldn't have stayed there and a greater pity that the President didn't exercise a bit less caution in appointing someone with a real vision to the USSC.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 28 Jul 2009 #permalink