I do not usually have carnal relations with goats. But...

What is this strange blog that seems to like me, happy about my voice and putting me on my very own blog roll and stuff?????

Don't forget to check out the "about" page.

More like this

goat-fuckery? Bwahahahahaaaa I love that term.

Admittedly, if one posts terribly often it may take longer to find the good posts in the filler, but that doesnât mean it isnât worth the hunt.

Upside the head for that one, right Greg?

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 02 Sep 2009 #permalink

I eat goats - but not like that.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 03 Sep 2009 #permalink

[2]NEB: Actually, it is totally correct. I wouldn't say that I have "filer" (because I'm not really trying to fill something) but I do have chaff. The difficult thing is figuring out what is chaff.

Stacy: I guess so, now that you mention it...

Doesn't goatfuckery imply an oppressive testosterone-centric and heteronormative* worldview? After all, fucking the goat is a completely different proposition than being fucked by the goat -- both for us and for the goat.

* And some other post-modern stuff that I'm not quite awake enough to think of at the moment. I'll come back after I've had more coffee.**

** Yes, I'm aware that coffee is an invasive species imported by oppressive colonial conquerors and maintained by a landless, alienated peasantry who are oppressed by patriarchal oligarchies, themselves propped up by the neo-colonial, corpratist policies of our own ruling elite and that consuming imported beverages increases my carbon footprint and defeats the enlightened locovore efforts of American family farmers who, along with their puppies, are the final bulwark against oppressive, neo-colonial, corpratist ruling elites. Caffeine and yumminess trump all that.

Stacy: I fail to see the passive.