Rip in Space Time seen in Moscow Sky

Or maybe it was just a strange cloud formation...

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It's the Mothership Connection. I think George Clinton and Funkadelic are on that ship.

Some people have been watching too many bad scifi movies where the sf budgets were too cheap.

Remember: If there isn't any lightning zapping around the edges then it isn't a real hole in space-time.

It's a halo appearing over St. Vassili's because Moscow is Orthodox Jesus' favorite city (after Jerusalem and Constantinople and Nazareth and Bethlehem and Mt. Athos and maybe Kiev...).

Don't worry, that's just the Citadel's reactor going critical.

It's the Mothership Connection. I think George Clinton and Funkadelic are on that ship

The fact that everyone in Moscow is neither shaking their booties, nor getting up for the downstroke seems to invalidate your otherwise attractive hypothesis.