Fall Olympics

You remember the Summer Olympics in China. And now you are enjoying the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. But let us never forget the Fall Olumpics:

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Remember the Fall Olympics in Vancouver? That was the year that skaters ... not the racing ones but the dancing ones ... were falling all the time as if they had some kind of special extra slippery ice on the skating rink. Well, this year, at Sochi II, we are witnessing the Fall Olympics mainly…
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The Winter Olympics are just around the corner. They will be held in "Sochi," Russia. But as is the case with so many things in life, it is not that simple. When we refer to the venue, we tend to mention Sochi in part because some of the events will be held there and in part because it is on most…

Aye, [[the thrill of victory, and]] the agony of defeat.

They can still all skate far better than I ever could. All that falling reminds me of how painful and sharp the ice is ... and I'm not keen on the thought of competition skates running over my limbs either.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 13 Feb 2010 #permalink

ouch ouch ouch ouch