Is there annything you've said here that could not have been equall well said in the 140 character limit set by Twitter? Well, if you ask me ...

Read Blunt Force English at Quiche Moraine

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I still fail to see any purpose to Twitter, other than stroking the egos of celebrities or wannabe celebrities. Why would I want to hear about the minute to minute mundane machinations of other people? I lead my own life and that is sufficient.

...and yes, I did read Mike's article and I disagree with those who profess to simplify language and make it less flowery. Stretching the vocabulary also stretches the mind and thought process. I disagree that handwriting is preferred.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 21 Feb 2010 #permalink

NEB, we seem to be kindred spirits in our desires for more expansive language; I don't think that using pens is the way to access the ability to write with more eloquence. I am moe musing on whether or not the change in writing and reading preference is due to the changeover from handheld (not palm device!) writing instruments to pens to keyboards.

I don't think that there is a metaphysical relationship, of course being a hardcore materialist; I think that since writing with a keyboard produces more immediate results that writing has moved from being a deliberative process to a "quick results" process.

A poet attempted 2 twitter/And though he was never a quitter/His limerick forms/Did not match their norms/And his punchlines were left in the sh

Didn't know if //// counted. As you might guess, I don't have a twitter account. Don't get me started on what it does to sonnets, or the ballad form.

Off topic and only because I've been empowered by the delightful Cuttlefish:

There was a young man from Hong Kong
Who had a trifurcated dong.
A small one for sucking,
One larger for fucking,
And a honey for beating a gong!

*. . . making the best of it since 1951 . . .*

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 21 Feb 2010 #permalink

Twat: One who Twitters.

Also, anything embraced by the GOP has got to be suspect.