Court rules against vaccine-autism claims

Vaccines that contain a mercury-based preservative called thimerosal cannot cause autism on their own, a special U.S. court ruled on Friday, dealing one more blow to parents seeking to blame vaccines for their children's illness.


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Another step for rational, science-based thought.

Appeals are in the works.

While I am smugly pleased, courts are no place to decide science. Creationists use courts to change the teaching of evolution because they can't change the science. Similarly, I don't place too much importance in this other than P.R. Which is mighty important for lay people.

It's not really the verdict that's important for P.R.; a lot of important findings came out during the trial. It's an excellent uh, teaching opportunity?

The "on their own" may be misleading though: absolutely never, though not philosophically correct, is probably correct. I guess the honest answer is "mercury is not established to have cause autism in any case investigated to date".

By MadScientist (not verified) on 13 Mar 2010 #permalink