Dump Bachmann: Vote for Tarryl Clark.

This is a pretty good campaign ad, though I prefer the negative kind a lot more when they are about Michele Bachmann. It is, after all Halloween.

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Just the fact that Michelle Bachman has been elected before leaves me very little hope for the sanity of her district. Sorry for being so pessimistic. :(

IBY: I live on the very edge of her district and spend a fair amount of time in it. I know it and its people quite well.

If Bachmann is not elected it will be entirely by accident. This truly is Yahooland.

Hey! I resemble that!

I think we're not that unusual. People who think she's the bomb, people who think she is certifiably insane, and people in the middle who don't care to care.

Marty, you are correct, of course. The problem is, the "bomb" quotient in the district is just too high, and the "insane" faction too small.