Miss USA Alyssa Campanella on Evolution

She was taught evolution in her high school and she sees no problem with it today. In fact, she's a science geek. Move over Science Cheerleaders and make way for the ... no, wait, I don't think I want to go there ...

Anyway, here is the video:

One other contestant (of the presumably 51 or so) was also not a creationist, according to her answer to the question, which was asked of all of the contestants.

I couldn't hear a word she said... good think I'm an expert lip reader.

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Alternate Title: Attractive Women, Some of Whom Are Superstitious.

Is it American to ask Beauty queens when you want to know about science?

As hot as Ms Campanella is, one just dies a little on the inside that this is even a frigging question! Should the germ "theory" of disease be taught in schools? The "theory" of relativity? Atomic "theory" and the kinetic "theory" of gases?

None of these are in thegoodbook either, and they all challenge religious doctrine. But somehow, oh noes! biologist are wrong wrong wrong and we must consider magic and creationist fairy tales along side science in school.

But YAY! the hot geek won this time!

By ManOutOfTime (not verified) on 21 Jun 2011 #permalink

MN was better than most http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkBmhM0R2A0&t=7m20s

What this really shows is how successful the 'teach the controversy' campaign has been for ID. Most of them seem to think 'both sides' should be presented. You know. Fair and Balanced.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 21 Jun 2011 #permalink