Lego Adventure

The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 1: Cars, Castles, Dinosaurs & More! by Megan Rothrock is primarily for people who have been messing around with LEG for, say, less than 10 years or so, especially those who are new at it and seek both inspiration and guidance in such daunting tasks as making a scale two engine turboprop airplane or an entire Lego town.

The book guides the reader step by step through 25 exemplar models, each of which is fairly elaborate, and demonstrated with more basic information close to 200 other models to illustrate variation. Despite the name of the book and a fairly high degree of silliness in some parts (the Lego figures have a few things to say) the 200 page volume actually has a lot of information in it. The copy I have is hard cover and has thick glossy paper which means that when I open it to a certain page it stays open at that page. That may seem like a small thing but for a guide book for something you need both hands to do, that is a key feature.

To give you an idea of what the book covers, I’ve copied the table of contents:

  • Chapter 1: Building the Idea Lab
  • Chapter 2: A LEGO Town
  • Chapter 3: Hot Rods and Cool Rides
  • Chapter 4: From Below!
  • Chapter 5: The Sky’s the Limit
  • Chapter 6: The Turtle Factory
  • Chapter 7: Starfighters
  • Chapter 8: Mighty Mecha
  • Chapter 9: Medieval Village
  • Chapter 10: Triassic Park
  • Chapter 11: Making New Friends
  • Chapter 12: Full Steam Ahead
  • Chapter 13: Steampunk
  • Chapter 14: A LEGO Legend

The author, Megan Rothrock, was a set designer for Lego, and her displays have been see at ComicCon and other places. Rumors that she is a member of The Cult of LEGO are unfounded. Well, probably not.


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