Embarrassed by breastfeeding in a country of billboards covered in tits?

by Hollie McNish

If you are embarrassed by breastfeeding that's fine, that's you. But do keep that to yourself and never, ever, act on that embarrassment. Also, it is possible that something is wrong with you and maybe you can have that fixed.

From here.

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The 'breastfeeding' BS from the religidiots of all type was such a piece of loaded BS. But it actually does not come from them, as for over 25K years that is the main way of getting the kid fed. But society particularly since 1900 and in USA has changed to be ashamed of a completely natural activity. I always blamed the religidiots and they may be the main push but it also extends to other influences. Its an issue that will not be easily cured as it will mainly be done by brave women shoving it into peoples faces.

Good one...

I honestly believe this was either a F-K You to Mike Silver (who oddly, is in good with Kraft) or to test a leak in the org.

eff it, as long as we are whipping out tits for babies to suck on (cuz its totally natural ya know) we may as well start farting, burping, pissing and shitting in the wide open too. after all, they are TOTALLY natural bodily functions. OR we can maintain a bit of fucking modesty, since society seems to have so fucking little of it, and do the above mentioned acts privately. that wont fly though because women are attention whores and they need to be noticed.

You go, girl!

Though, I did notice one of the stories in their list of moms humiliated for breastfeeding was a little suspect. The mom claims she was told to move back from the pool's edge so her milk wouldn't contaminate the water. That strikes me as odd, since normally if you're close enough for that to even be possible, you're also too close for any lifeguard worth their salt to tolerate you camping out there -- whether you're breastfeeding or not. They need to be able to access any part of the pool edge at any time without obstruction. In my state, there's actually a law about that; enough room to move a backboard must be kept clear at all times.

Plus, the contamination issue is actually legitimate. Yeah, people do pee in the pool, but that's against the rules too, and "but they're doing it" is no excuse. If they don't allow beverages (and actually most pools do not, except for water), that should apply to breastmilk too.

So, while I'm totally in favor of breastfeeding, and think it should be normalized and acceptable in public, we need to keep our critical hats on; some of the claims might not be what they seem to be, and there can be legitimate reasons to disturb a nursing mother. You can't just set up camp any old place.

The story about Delta made me laugh, though. Obviously a rather new flight attendant, since asking the mom not to nurse the baby means electing to have a screaming baby on a packed flight. :-D Great choice, Delta Person!

By Calli Arcale (not verified) on 08 Jul 2013 #permalink

@L.L Long: 25K years? Try over 200 million.

By Ashley Moore (not verified) on 08 Jul 2013 #permalink

#7Ashley-what are a few zero among friends?

#4Jaycee--well farting and burping are totally OK and don't bother me in the least, they belong to the 'made up BS of being polite' if someone is at your party and you don't like their farts don't invite them back. Besides compared to breastfeeding, its a straw-man argument, and invalid.
Pissing and shiting was done in public and at parties in very posh society--study med-evil society. But is is not done any longer because some people just don't like it, they are phucking health hazards, another straw-man argument...and invalid.

Are you serious? Mother's nurse in public because they're attention whores? They don't do it because their baby is hungry and they don't choose to feed with formula? Maybe they'd rather feed that hungry baby than waste time looking for a hiding spot while baby screams? Or should they only leave home during the small amount of time they have between feedings? How, HOW does your mind equate breast feeding with any of those other functions? You show little understanding of mothers, women, and modesty with this abusive attitude and comment. Modesty, among other things, clearly eludes you.