Fiction or NonFiction: Which Do you Prefer?

This week's reader poll results are posted below the fold. These results were not at all surprising to me, although I am interested to read your comments. As always, I'd like to thank you for taking these polls, they are very informative.

I also include a link to a new poll that you can take, or you can scroll down to find the same poll on my left sidebar. Note that you can choose more than one answer on this particular poll.

What type of books do you read; fiction or nonfiction?

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Did you collect any demographic information? Just yesterday my wife declared that women read more fiction and men read more non-fiction, but I have no way to refute or support that claim.

Well...I *prefer* fiction, but I read way more non-fiction. It's the nature of my job.

I don't mind fiction, except when it pretends to be non-fiction.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 26 Jul 2007 #permalink

paul; i have collected gender and age info, but did not collect that info in connection to the sorts of books that people like to read. considering that the information that i have shows that more women than men buy books, and that 70% of all books sold are non-fiction, i am not sure i believe that statistic that your wife stated, but i suppose i could ask everyone to find out, eh?

of course, women could be buying a fair number of books for men?

i am still learning how to phrase these polls, both so they yield useful information and so the poll itself doesn't get miscoded (for example, a "/" screws up the entire poll, but the poll information never states that specifically, so i assumed that i was making that particular poll too long, rather than using a forbidden character).