Carnival of Homeschooling Now Available

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The Carnival of Homeschooling is a new blog carnival for me but it is well-established, as you will see in the most recent issue -- it is jam-packed with lots of links to follow and read. If you peek closely, you'll find that they included an entry from me that might seem a little .. unusual .. when you think of the stereotype of what homeschooling is all about.

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Hi, and thanks for your contribution to the carnival. I can't tell whether you are serious about the stereotype of homeschoolers -- I presume you mean science- or evolution-phobic.

Sadly, this is a persistent stereotype, but if you continue to participate in homeschool carnivals (and who doesn't love a free science resource!) you'll find that like most stereotypes it has a kernel of truth, but not much more than that. Categorizing homeschoolers is pretty tough, since 1) there is no clear count of how many homeschoolers there are or what really counts as homeschooling and 2) if homeschoolers have anything in common it is that they would rather swim against the tide -- they are a very quirky, independent-minded bunch.

Thanks again for the resource! I'm sure many will appreciate it.

i hope i didn't offend you .. i was just surprised .. pleasantly so .. that my particular entry was included. i am just thinking about a comment that was made by a reporter who was reporting on the Iowa caucus .. he stated matter-of-factly that the people who voted for Huckabee were comprised of "evangelicals and homeschoolers". i probably should have explained that observation since i would like to believe that stereotypes only serve to build walls instead of bridges.

but hey, i'm probably one of those "squishy liberals."

No offense taken -- that stereotype is out there for a reason, even if it is woefully inadequate.

You might be amused to know that just as some homeschoolers have a little "Evolved Homeschooler" Darwin fish button on their blogs, many also have a Homeschoolers Against Huckabee button. Evangelical conservative homeschoolers also have problems with Huckabee, who was not homeschool friendly as Ark. gov. I think that reporter touched a nerve with homeschoolers across the political spectrum!

We are also squishy liberals here, though I am Catholic and my husband is the resident atheist.

Thanks again for pointing to the free resource!