Seeking Submissions: I and the Bird

Hey everyone, I am once again asking you to send me submissions for my issue of the I and the Bird blog carnival. The carnival will be published here on 21 February at noon EST (unless the blog platform's scheduling feature is still screwy, which it might be, grrrr). I am seeking submissions about wild birds, your trip reports, photographs, essays, stories, song files .. whatever! According to this blog carnival's rules, I can accept only one submission per blog, and that submission can only be about wild birds, so those of you who own and write about domestic birds and parrots (like me!) will have to start your own carnival to share your stories about those birds with the public.

As a special thank you to all those who contribute to this carnival, and to all those who read it, I am going to have a special contest for this carnival that involves bird books. Anyone can win one of these bird books, and in fact, there will be several prize winners (the precise number depends upon how many books I can gather together in the next few days, and how many categories I can think of) so be sure to check back for this carnival, even if you do not write about birds yourself!

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