Birds in the News, Postponed

Please accept my apologies, but I had to postpone this week's issue of Birds in the News because I broke my arm this past Friday. In fact, as you are reading this notice, I am in the hospital once again, this time meeting with an orthopedic surgeon. Regardless of what happens today, I am fairly certain that Birds in the News will be back next week, though, so please check back!

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An interior view of "my" beloved coffee shop, taken about two weeks ago, when I was healthier than I am today. Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [Do you really want this in wallpaper size?]. I've had enough excitement for one day today. I went out to take care of some "cat clients" (gotta keep the…

aaarrrgghh, what a downer! May you get set and get healed quickly! I'm sure that dark chocolate is a healing substance, too.

Let's hear it for dark chocolate, the miracle substance that heals broken hearts, broken bones, and reportedly even broken shoelaces! OK, so I exaggerated a tiny bit, but it's something no first aid kit should ever be without.

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 05 Mar 2008 #permalink