Sarah Palin: Excuses for Spending $150K on clothes and shit

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Sarah Palin has ten excuses for why the American people should not be offended that she spent $150,000 on new clothes and shoes and hair cuts and expensive shit like that when we are losing our jobs, our health insurance, and our houses [1:21]

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In last week's "Wait, Wait, don't tell me!" ( ... caution, contains comedy) there was a comment that some reporters went into the a mentioned store to find out how the money was spent. They were told that Palin did not shop there! So, it seems that the story may be a coverup to some other nefarious use of the money!

The archive is not up now, but you can still download it until Nov. 2, Sunday evening.

Ah, they mus have been buying pitbulls for all the lipstick they bought in the last shop.

More seriously, I got the impression from the way things were phrased that the campaign sent someone out to buy the clothes for Palin: she was too busy reading the Oklahoma Daily Press.