They're not too bright, are they?

Excerpts from an e-mail to Professor Deborah Lipstadt criticizing her for taking Holocaust denier Arthur Butz to task during an interview on FOX News:

Although I am not anti-semitic, your Jewish greed is overbearing and crippling. The world is beginning to see the collective Jewish attempt to control the world economy and world media.


Another example: the recent killing of the French Jew raises interesting questions. There is no doubt that the world is beginning to feel the oppression of Jewish greed.

Why have attacks on Jews been increasing in Europe and Russia? Why is the Jewish media pressuring the arrest of people speaking out against the extent of the Holocaust? Why have the Jews written all major history books for! our young children to become indoctrinated with?


Have you no intellect? The world Jews are doing exactly what the Romans did 2,000 years ago: they got arrogant, stupid and overextended their luck. By the end of the Roman empire, they had more enemies than allies. STOP your exaggeration of the Holocaust to simply get more $$$.

Why is it that, whenever you hear someone say something along the lines of "although I'm not an anti-Semite" or "although I'm not racist," almost inevitably will follow an anti-Semitic and/or racist tirade? I've seen it so many times in alt.revisionism. As soon as I read a disclaimer, I know the tirade is coming.

These people just aren't too bright, are they?

Sadly, that doesn't keep them from doing immense harm.

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Although I am not anti-semitic, your Jewish greed is overbearing and cripplingHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Best joke I've heard in weeks, thanks.

It's a regular pattern.

"I'm not a holocaust denier, but [insert bad & cliche arguments]"

"I'm not a anti-vaxxer, but.."

"I'm not an IDer, but..."

"I'm not a believer in psychics, but..."

As soon as I read "Although I am not anti-semitic," I braced myself for the inevitable anti-Semitism to follow.

I wasn't expecting it to follow so soon and within the same sentence.

your Jewish greed is overbearing and crippling.

What's scary is the author didn't see the two halves of the sentence as contradictory.

Although I am not anti-semitic, your Jewish greed is overbearing and crippling. The world is beginning to see the collective Jewish attempt to control the world economy and world media.

Damn...what would this guy say if he was anti-semitic?

The person calling themselves Voxceltica is a real charmer. Check out their Livejournal, I don't think there is anyone she likes. And her name makes me suspect she might be the same racist called Bodecea I ran into a few times on Usenet in the past.+

sigh... this will never die, will it.

who's the richest person in the world? bill gates, a white christian. and the list goes on.

the reason european attacks are on the rise is because of a huge, disenfranchised muslim underclass. it's not white christians harassing jews anymore as much as poor arabs who have no future in french society.

bill gates, a white christian.

Bill isn't Christian. He's an atheist.

So he's got one thing right.

I am constantly surprised by the amount of anti-Jewish expression that still comes out in things like this -- in the West. I expect to hear this kind of stuff in the Middle East and often do. At least people there have the excuse of constant repetition in their official media (and sometimes school) and they are speaking from within the context of an actual conflict (Arab-Israeli). What about Westerners who say stuff like that, how to excuse or mitigate it? I can't see how.

One thing I just learned, and I don't have any way of checking whether it's true, but it was quoted in this article:

It says that the same Danish newspaper that published the nasty cartoons about the Prophet Mohammad (Jyllands-Posten) said in its editorial on the eve of Kristallnacht,

"You have to admit Germany its clear right to rid itself of its Jews. But one must insist that it happens in a decent manner."

What is a "decent manner" to "rid itself of the Jews"?????


Of course Bill Gates is not a Christian...imagine what would happen if he claimed that Windows was the result of intelligent design?

"Of course Bill Gates is not a Christian...imagine what would happen if he claimed that Windows was the result of intelligent design?"

Actually, a lot of the problems with Windows derive from its evolutionary history! Big old programs that have been worked on for too long tend to pick up a certain "organic" character, and the Law Of Unintended Consequences starts causing serious problems in maintainance. (And total rewrites become impractical due to the accumulation of quirks and backward-compatibility issues.) Windows was more-or-less born that way, as a Graphical User Interface layered over DOS. Programmers of a certain age and lineage call such programs "crawling horrors". I have personally worked on such a program; it used four different source languages, and had 25-year-old dates in some of the comments.

Regarding the original topic:

"I'm not a drooling idiot, but I expect you to believe that no matter what I say next...."

By David Harmon (not verified) on 16 Mar 2006 #permalink

"I haven't been able to counter her idiotic arguments"

Ad hominem Dave? Where's the beef? I think that you are confusing the ability to express your point of view with having an intelligent point of view. Anyone who looks at Lipstadt's blog will see you floundering. Do you have anything to offer except proclamations of your own brilliance? You are a newt with a fan club of plankton, congratulations!

By voxceltica (not verified) on 29 Mar 2006 #permalink

No reply Dave? You will notice that I have been banned from Deborah's blog for being apparently a "clever" racist. I took issue with Deborah for cherry-picking her correspondence to make it look like anyone who disagrees with her is a dumb fuck. Lipstadt responded to this accusation by banning me for being too clever! Irony bypass perhaps? You will notice that Lipstadt still continues to publish posts by morons like Keev. Game, set and match to me I think.

BTW, "Res ipsit loquitor"? I think you mean, res ipsa loquitur". If you must use pretentious jargon I'd try to spell it right if I were you.

By voxceltica (not verified) on 03 Apr 2006 #permalink

"I haven't been able to counter her idiotic arguments"

Ad hominem Dave? Where's the beef? I think that you are confusing the ability to express your point of view with having an intelligent point of view. Anyone who looks at Lipstadt's blog will see you floundering. Do you have anything to offer except proclamations of your own brilliance? You are a newt with a fan club of plankton, congratulations!

And as I have a real that is not centered around spending my days spewing "derision and contempt" on strangers to grind his little penknife of neo-Nazism and "White Nationalism," raising his fragile sense of self-esteem and enhancing his equally inflated sense of self-importance from behind the protective and cowardly screen of cyberspace and his parents' basement, I am not going to engage in a dialogue, let alone a debate, with a sneering, bullying, internet troll. You're not worth the time that was necessary to create you.

Proclaim your victory, Voxceltica...but if the greatest and most satisfying moment of your entire life is that you were able to hurl a few derisive and contemptuous insults at me, you are not exactly leading a glorious crusade that will elevate you to the heights of power over the white race now, are you?