Phil Plait mentioned in Science

Congrats are in order to fellow blogger Phil Plait (a.k.a. The Bad Astronomer) whose blog Bad Astronomy (a misnomer if ever there was one, given the amount of good astronomy he regularly writes about) garnered a favorable mention in the Netwatch section of Science.

Hopefully this will bring Bad Astronomy to more of the masses.


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You turned me on to Bad Astronomy and I have become a regular reader since then. I have watched the stars since I was a kid, and he adds so much.

I was going to say something witty, but I better run to the auditorium quick before all the seats Phil up. I expect today's colloquium speaker to draw quite a crowd.

Also: "Hah hah, I get to go see Phil Plait right now, and you don't."

By Johnny Vector (not verified) on 31 Mar 2006 #permalink