Noticed again...this time in a good way

Kristjan Wager points out to me that Respectiful Insolence was listed as the Blog of the Day by the L.A. Times on Monday.

Oddly enough, I hadn't noticed any traffic coming my way from the link...

More like this

". . . often-cranky ramblings . . ." is "good"? :-)

It's kind of hidden. And then there are those attention diverting links at the bottom of the page under "More News", which includes "Head, hand found along San Diego freeways" and:

Man believed to be using a laptop is killed in car crash

YUBA CITY, CALIF. -- A man who authorities say appeared to be driving while using his laptop computer died Monday when his car crossed into oncoming traffic and collided with a Hummer.

California Highway Patrol officers found the victim's computer still running and plugged into the cigarette lighter of his 1991 Honda Accord.

I think it's just that both skeptics in LA are already reading your blog ;) Nobody else there has any interest in critical thinking...

By PlanetaryGear (not verified) on 27 Feb 2007 #permalink


(From out the festering glitterpits of Los Angeles.....)
Hey, make that three Angeleno skeptics!

Although I'd go further and state that, for the most part, folks here have an active disinterest -- nay, an anti-interest -- in thinking critically.

By Arren Frank (not verified) on 27 Feb 2007 #permalink

Sadly, it didn't generate much, if any, traffic. :-(

It did for the LA times after you posted about it here.

A client of mine has had his web site featured in a bunch of national papers, and it seems only the NY Times brought any traffic.

There is also the story of ActiveWords, a software application which when reviewed in USA Today got only 32 downloads.

Geuss you have to be mentioned in Wired, or one of the other tech-savy magazines, to get any traffic-increase.

I wonder if PZ gets any traffic increase by being mentioned in magazines, newspapers and radio shows?