An embarrassing way to die

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It depends on the brand. For a Palm-treo....I don't know...

--It's a joke.

Somebody has to propose this heroic man for the Darwin Awards.

Regards from Mexico.

You know, the $6/month phone insurance isn't really worth it for a "free" phone, but for a $650 phone like my Treo (as mentioned by Antonio), it's not a bad deal. After a series of unfortunate drops, my last Treo died. You know, if it hasn't been two years or whatever, you end up paying full retail for a new one.

But yeah, like the commenter on the article said, what was he going to do with his phone once he got it out of the sewer filled with water? Seriously...

I doubt he thought he was going to get stuck and drown when he reached down to get the phone. It seems a little adventurous for a 300 pound guy.

I've found that cell phones have short lives. My husband went overboard with one in his pocket and it never worked again. So the guys efforts might have all been for naught anyway.

I don't know. I remember a story a few years ago out of Kenya where three guys died from suffocation going down into a portable latrine trying to retrieve a woman's cell phone that she'd accidentally dropped into it.

For English, Press 1. For Spanish, press 2. To talk to the next available agent, please stay on the line. If you are stuck in a storm sewer, please hang up and dial #300.

By Can you hear me now? (not verified) on 07 Jun 2007 #permalink

God, this was depressing to read, especially since this happened about a mile away from my house. Then again, these things happen when you live in the Bratwurst Capitol of the World.

By General Zia (not verified) on 07 Jun 2007 #permalink

Annr said: "My husband went overboard with one in his pocket and it never worked again."

The phone or the husband?

What would he have done with it after? There are ways to dry out electronic devices that don't destroy them. It isn't the soaking that kills them so much as the resulting corrosion as they dry out. If nothing else, the SIM card could probably be retrieved and used in the replacement phone. As with computers, the most valuable part is the information, not the hardware.

The day after my wedding and right before the honeymoon, wifey washed her nokia in the washing machine. That prompted a quick trip to the Verizon Store!

By Pharma Market … (not verified) on 10 Jun 2007 #permalink

Interesting. I might toss my phone down the sewer, particularly if I thought that it would spew out little sparks and flames in its death throes. I suppose in that case I might be too busy chortling and rubbing my hands together in glee to save myself from falling in after it. Lately, though, my fantasies have been a bit more hands-on, and have involved a ball-peen hammer.

By david rickel (not verified) on 14 Jun 2007 #permalink