Dr. RW piles on Mike Adams

After Mark and I took apart Mike Adams' misinformation- and logical fallacy-filled rant of idiocy against conventional medicine, it appeared that there was still some left to take on.

Fortunately, Dr. RW took up the slack.

Because when the woo-meister is as idiotic as Mike Adams, too much debunking is never enough.

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Mike Adams is also a censor. I wrote a fairly gentle rebuke in the comments to his blog, and he never posted it. I had wondered why all the comments were fawning over his brilliance and thanking him for writing such beautiful poetry (I exaggerate - barely). But it helps when you edit out any comments that don't fall in that category.

Go ahead and try to comment on his blog - it will say "Post will show up in a day or two", but a good week later - nothing.

Taken from Mr. Adams column:
"Conventional medicine is almost entirely justified by truly bad science. And yet so-called skeptics, who are supposed to exercise clear thinking about all subjects, never seem to question the fraudulent science behind prescription drugs. The mass drugging of children for fictitious diseases, for example, seems to be okay with such skeptics, who are too busy bashing homeopathy and acupuncture to take an honest, critical look at the junk science behind prescription drugs, it seems.


The mass drugging of children for fictitious diseases??????

If my wife had a dime for everytime she had a parent of one of her Special Ed children that would say something like, I don't want my child on those drugs (i.e. ridelin etc.), or it will stunt thier growth or any number of statements, then they appear at another IEP meeting and say that they are considering chelation therapy or some such thing.
There is a real issue here with sorting through fact and sorting through the sometimes overly emotional fixation of parents. Its an easy sell to people that are predisposed to quakery or any other option that suggests that medication may be "just another conventional profit margin.

By Uncle Dave (not verified) on 17 Jul 2007 #permalink

More or less completely off topic, Orac, you really need to see this for your FDOW: The Healthy Lifestyle Chi Waveguard... Protect yourself against electromagnetic fields! They is everywhere! No mention of anything "quantum," so it's not Grade A No. 1 Pure Cold-Pressed Virgin Woo, but pretty darn close.

By Interrobang (not verified) on 17 Jul 2007 #permalink