Somehow I don't think this came out quite right

Quoth global warming "skeptic" (translation: "crank") Senator Inhofe:

Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) got the crowd cheering early in the day. "I have been called -- my kids are all aware of this -- dumb, crazy man, science abuser, Holocaust denier, villain of the month, hate-filled, warmonger, Neanderthal, Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun," he announced. "And I can just tell you that I wear some of those titles proudly."

Inhofe repeated his view that man-made global warming is "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people," and he quarreled with a Bush administration proposal to list polar bears as a threatened species. "They're overpopulated," he declared. "Don't worry about it: The polar bear is fine." His staff handed out supporting documentation, including the claim that "MARS HAS GLOBAL WARMING DESPITE ABSENCE OF SUVs."

Because nothing boosts your credibility by including "Holocaust denier" in the list of things that you've been called whose titles you're proud to wear.

You know, that last part is particularly idiotic, too. Just when I think Inhofe can't say something dumber, he has to go and prove me wrong. Sometimes I think I just have too much faith in humanity.

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I disagree with the title of this post. I don't think Senator Inhofe sees anything wrong with what he said. Even though the Mars canards have been dealt with for years, he doesn't mind.

Nothing says "famous" like global warming denial.
Except possibly holocaust denial. . .

I find it interesting that he could be proud of a lot of things on that list. "Yup, hate-filled, war mongering villain-of-the-month, that's me and my kids know it!"

By Samantha Vimes (not verified) on 22 Dec 2007 #permalink