For duty and humanity!

A blogger's duty calls:


(Click for the full-sized version.)

It's true: A skeptical blogger's work is never done! When pseudoscience or quackery is noticed on the Internet, no mater what time of day or night, this skeptical blogger cannot resist the call to craft a takedown.

Just ask my wife.

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Aaagh! The two latest feeds in Sage are this post, and Ben Goldacre's feed, which is to the same strip. He uses the title "Anyone else recognise this?".

I guess that's a yes.


Hehe. As soon as I saw that this morning I emailed it to my wife and called her. All she could ask was

"Did you make that?" followed by a big all too well knowing sigh.

Hey! XKCD ought to be giving me royalties for using my likeness in such a fashion!

~David D.G.

By David D.G. (not verified) on 20 Feb 2008 #permalink

"Hey! XKCD ought to be giving me royalties for using my likeness in such a fashion!"
I'd say the same, but my character is a Ka-Sejin. That's a traditional Japanese depiction of a martian, which is directly taken from HG Wells's description of the critters in "War Of The Worlds." They look kinda like an octopus crossed with a jellyfish. A good example of this is the "Mars People" aliens in Metal Slug.
XKCD rules OK!!!

By Laser Potato (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Uh Oh, Orac: PZ Myers claims that particular XKCD comic is about him! I envision a Jon Stewart/Steven Colbert/Conan O'Brien style fight over territory brewing...

Ha! Story of my life. Hubby is a philosopher. I sometimes day dream about setting off an EM pulse weapon under his chair. He'd probably just head down to the library to finish up though.