We'll take the money you can bring us, even if you're antivaccine

I'm sure this is a case where someone thought it was a good idea at the time. Unfortunately, it's not. It's an astoundingly bad idea:

The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation is bringing McCarthy to town March 2 to headline its annual Bust a Move fundraiser as a guest fitness instructor. But the actress, author and former Playboy playmate is perhaps best known these days for her unconventional views on autism, specifically her anti-vaccination writings. Her son Evan Joseph was diagnosed with autism in 2005, but McCarthy says now her son is in “recovery” and is doing much better.

McCarthy has claimed in interviews that her son was healed by experimental and unproven biomedical treatments, and she blamed the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine for giving her son autism.

Yet despite her views, for which scientists have labelled her a menace to vaccination efforts, McCarthy was the choice of the cancer foundation for the fundraiser, to be held at the Ottawa Athletic Club. Funds raised from the event will go to the foundation to support breast cancer programs throughout Eastern Ontario.

One has to wonder what the people at the Ottawa Regional Cancer Center were smoking that made them think that it would be a good idea to bring a celebrity who is as anti-science and anti-vaccine as Jenny McCarthy to be the face of its fundraiser. It would be one thing if she were a crank in an area unrelated to cancer care, but being antivaccine directly endangers cancer patients. If, for example, a cancer patient gets the flu because an employee of the cancer center or other person with whom they came into contact didn't get vaccinated because Jenny McCarthy or one of her fellow anti-vaccine travelers said the vaccine's full of "toxins," doesn't work, will give you Alzheimer's disease, and turn you into a newt in such a way that you won't get better, that's a problem for cancer care. The flu can be deadly in immunosuppressed cancer patients. Ditto a lot of other vaccine-preventable diseases. Jenny McCarthy's message is not good for cancer patients, and I don't care how great it is that she's managed to reinvent herself as a fitness maven selling exercise tapes. On the one hand, she's doing a bit to help fight obesity and the health problems to which a sedentary lifestyle contributes. On the other hand, she's preaching a message that, if people take it seriously enough that vaccination rates fall below the level needed for herd immunity, will lead to the return of vaccine-preventable diseases with all the morbidity and mortality they can cause.

Score one for my alma mater, as a pediatrician there tells it like it is:

Dr. Gary Freed, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Michigan and former chair of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee of the United States, said inviting McCarthy to the event, even if it’s not to lecture on her views and even if it’s for a good cause, is a bad idea.

“It’s disappointing that someone who peddles in pseudo science and has had such a negative impact on the health and well-being of so many children would ever be invited to participate in any type of legitimate health care program,” Freed said Tuesday night. “It, unfortunately, could be viewed as a sign of legitimacy of her dangerous, damaging and totally inaccurate pronouncements regarding the importance of vaccines.

“Her actions have potentially caused innocent children to be unprotected from potentially life-threatening illnesses. That is inexcusable and should never be given a public forum.”

I wouldn't go quite that far. I'd qualify the statement to say that she should never be given a public forum associated with health care in any capacity. Even if she just smiles, tells jokes, and does her schtick for the Bust A Move fundraiser, her views not only cloud the event and risk a backlash in which people who are aware of her antivaccine moves will be less likely to donate, but the message being sent by the Ottawa Regional Cancer Center is that it's OK, that McCarthy's antivaccine views aren't so bad, and that the leadership there is completely unconcerned with whether or not their institution associates itself with someone promoting dangerous misinformation about health. Their lack of concern amounts to either a tacit endorsement or a strong message that McCarthy's views just aren't that important when it comes to cancer patients. They are dead wrong, their rationalizations notwithstanding:

Bernice Rachkowski, chair of the event, said McCarthy was not chosen for her views.

“We chose her because she’s funny, she’s very much a people person, she’s vivacious and full of life. That’s what we look for in a celebrity,” Rachkowski said.

“She also appeals to our target demographic because we want to engage younger women in being aware of breast cancer, how to prevent it and to be aware of all the help that is available if they, their aunt or mom are going through it,” she said.

Rachkowski said she’d be surprised if people were upset by the choice of McCarthy as a charity headliner. She said McCarthy was booked as a celebrity spokesperson for the event and not because of her beliefs on autism.

“We hope people understand that we’re bringing Jenny here as an entertainer and not for her personal views,” said Rachkowski.

In other words, we don't care. She could be shilling for Stanislaw Burzynski or Tullio Simoncini, for all we care, as long as she brings in the bodies and the money. For shame M.s Rachkowski, for shame!

More like this

If you have been keeping up with Pal or Orac in my absence, you already know the bad news. Oprah has decided to up her woo quotient from promotion of the Secret and relatively harmless nonsense to actively promoting anti-vaccine conspiracy theories in the form of a Jenny McCarthy TV show. Gawker…
The movement against vaccination is old---very old. All medical interventions require scrutiny. Like any medical intervention, vaccines require systematic investigation before deployment, and monitoring during their use. Still, vaccines have done more for public health than most Westerners under…
I wanted to contribute to today's discussion of anti-vaccinationist, pseudoscience-pawning Jenny McCarthy being given not only an appearance on Oprah but, as reported by Orac, a deal with Oprah's production company for her own show. The public attention that Jenny McCarthy's rants have gotten were…
A bunch of us today are trying to point out some incredible hypocrisy and downright despicable slime being spewed by the idiots who want to blame autism on vaccines. The blame-vaccines crowd likes to use publicity stunts to try to build up their case. It's the only tactic left to them, because…

You mean they couldn't find breast cancer survivors who are physically-fit, people-persons, vivacious and full of life? I'd think they'd hold a lot more sway than some saline-filled, scientifically-illiterate bimbo.

By Science Mom (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

There is always another possibility: that they tried to find someone else, but struck out and had to settle for Jenny. It's a stretch, I know, but we must keep open that, even though vanishingly small in probability, it's still possible.

Always gets the day going in the right direction when there's reference to my favorite Holy Grail scene.

Maybe they can get her to express her views on Gardasil.

Bernice Rachkowski, chair of the event, said McCarthy was not chosen for her views.

“We chose her because she’s...full of life."

- as opposed to those kids who have died from vaccine-preventable diseases, I suppose.

“She also appeals to our target demographic ...

What, horny teenage boys?

Rachkowski said she’d be surprised if people were upset by the choice of McCarthy as a charity headliner.

I'm surprised that anyone so stupid could be the chair of anything.

“We hope people understand that we’re bringing Jenny here as an entertainer and not for her personal views,” said Rachkowski.

Cynicism? Complete lack of honour? I understand that all too well.

Seriously, aren't there women who sell exercise tapes who are well-known and don't carry the anti-vax baggage?

By Denice Walter (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

Here is the story from the Ottawa Citizen along with a few dozen comments. Most of the comments express outrage, although some people were upset they didn't invite a prominent Canadian or a woman without implants. There are two loonies who rant about vaccines, flouride, autism, etc. One commenter even gets in a reference to Burzynski, another mentions alkaline diets.


By Marc Stephens … (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

Here is a copy of an email I have sent to the CEO of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation:

I am a pathologist who provides diagnostic services in surgical and hematologic pathology to our local cancer centre. I have also participated in fund-raising events for the associated foundation. In light of this background, I am thoroughly disgusted by the recently announced choice of Jenny McCarthy as a headliner for the 2013 Bust a Move fundraiser. McCarthy is infamous for her public antivaccination stance. This is not merely a “personal viewpoint” unrelated to cancer care. McCarthy is a vocal activist against vaccination, and the most prominent promoter of the discredited “theory” that vaccination is a cause of autism. As you must be aware, treatment of cancer often severely compromises a patient’s immune system. He or she would be much more likely to contract a vaccine-preventable infection, especially since vaccination depends on an intact immune system to be effective. This is why maintenance of herd immunity is so important to avoid the spread of infectious diseases to those who are vulnerable. Jenny McCarthy has directly contributed to the breakdown of herd immunity by raising “fear, uncertainty and doubt” about vaccination in many people. Your choice of McCarthy in this role is, in my view, providing direct support to this dangerous trend, and is compromising the health of those whom you are otherwise working for. Please reconsider this choice for the sake of cancer patients and others who are vulnerable.

I hope it has some effect.
Here's the Ottawa Centre's contact page if anyone else is interested:


I have a great idea: why not have Michael Richards? He's funny and I'm sure he's a people person. They won't, of course, because his past comments on race make him highly "radioactive", but they could always justify it as bringing him in for his value as an entertainer and not for his personal views.
Then we can have Mel Gibson play Elie Wiesel - "we hired him for his acting ability (sic), and not for his anti-Semitism".

By Old Rockin' Dave (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink


In the comments section of the Ottawa Citizen piece I just posted, someone listed direct e-mail addresses of two key people at the Cancer Center to whom complaints can be sent. My experience with those "Contact Us" pages is that nobody ever reads them or responds.

I do applaud your efforts and hope there is a backlash that makes them reconsider this decision.

By Marc Stephens … (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink


The Contact Us page did in fact have the email address of the CEO, so that is where I sent the message. Thanks for your tip, anyway.

Sorry, I should have checked that page myself.

In fact I think I will send a message myself, speaking not as a health care professional but a citizen. I did live in Ottawa for a few years and did donate to the ORCC, so it's not inconceivable that other donors might divert their money to other worthy cancer charities to show their displeasure.

By Marc Stephens … (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

Funny enough I was thinking of putting this in the comments of the last vaccine-related post when I heard about it yesterday.

Time to email the ORCF.

By Composer99 (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

Thanks Librarian Sarah. I just posted at the Ho-Po, with links to the EPA website and Mercola's $ 3,000 tanning bed.

Visit Twitter and #dropjenny to watch how this unfolds. So far, the Ottawa Region for Cancer Foundation has remained silent, I would guess they're hoping that it blows over.

By Annoyed Cancer… (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

CFI Canada, CFI Ottawa, the Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Skepticism, and the Ottawa Skeptics sent a joint letter today asking for this invitation to be reconsidered: http://bit.ly/12cjIvc

As an Ottawa citizen and cancer supporter (also in their target demographic and vocal in our community) I am seriously disappointed in the selection of McCarthy. She's pretty much the woman I WOULDN'T relate with and one of the last people I'd be interested in taking any advice or guidance from. To the tweet deck!!!!

By Andrea Ghent (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

Here's a copy of the email I sent. I don't usually send letters, but this incenses me.

Dear Ms. Eagen,

As a breast cancer survivor, an evidence-based health communicator, and a Canadian who was born in Ottawa, I am writing to strongly protest your selection of Jenny McCarthy as a guest at your Bust a Move fundraiser.

I truly cannot imagine what was going through your minds when you made this choice. Ms McCarthy is not Canadian, and has no obvious connection to the Ottawa area. Based on her history of cosmetic surgery and career choices, she does not appear to be a woman who has a healthy body image, and there is nothing in her personal biography that suggests she has any interest in breast cancer prevention, research, or treatment.

Most egregiously, she has vigorously promoted an anti-science and anti-medicine stance on vaccination. You should not forget that the demographic you hope to reach--young women--are the target of education campaigns to encourage uptake of the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer.

The recommendations for this vaccine come from numerous medical authorities and organizations in Canada, including Health Canada, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, the Ontario Ministry of Health, Cancer Care Ontario, the Canadian Cancer Society, and many other provincial and regional Health Authorities across the country.

Having a prominent anti-vaccinationist as a celebrity guest at your fundraiser sends a mixed and confusing message to women that directly contradicts the efforts of the evidence-based medical community in cancer. To those who are working to promote HPV vaccination to lower the rates of cervical cancer in Canada, this is a more than a slight--it's a slap in the face.

Please reconsider your selection, and explain to your funders why you are doing so. Choose somebody who has some connection to breast cancer, Canada, and common sense.

By Fiona Gilsenan (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink


[Hmm. Disappeared. Only one link so I'm surprised it has been held up. Posting again without the link in the meantime.]

Remember Lucija Tomlijenovic, colleague of Dr. Shaw?*

She has published a 45 page piece at the The British Society for Ecological Medicine that Liberty Beacon and others have picked up, titled there as "30 Years of Secret, Official Transcripts Prove Vaccine Schedules in US and UK are Based on Government Lies":

[link deleted]

The BSEM paper is linked from the article as a PDF file. The original context looks to be a September 16, 2011 meeting
"THE HEALTH HAZARDS OF DISEASE PREVENTION". An introduction to the meeting starts,

"It seems to me that the ethical background to vaccination – giving potentially harmful medications to healthy individuals in the hope of keeping them that way – has never been clearly addressed… Who gave us the right (a) to invade the bodies of healthy people who never asked us to, and (b) to do it not only without explanation of the possible risks, but in some countries even applying coercive pressures, denying the existence of the risks, and suppressing relevant information?"

* Drs. Shaw and Lee were represented at the Coroner's Court inquiry into Jasmine Renata's death at the parents' request/demand. Orac has covered aspects of the work of these two several times over the last half year.

I was a patient of dr. Burzynskis and enrolled in a clinical trial for lupus, so I know personally all of his cancer patients. I went to a 25 th reunion for the cancer patients and it had saved many lives. I took AS2-1 and it put lupus in remission. No side effects. I saw many brain cancers of children cured when they were told here they would die. So what harm is doing. The drug does work for some brain cancers and most doctors here do not give it. No one died from too high of sodium. We saw patients cured and stayed cured 5 yrs. later.my friend was opened up at Barnes in St. Louis and full of prostate cancer that had spread. He went to Burzynski clinic and is alive today. That was in 1990. Everyone can stand back and criticize but have you seem results like I have? They misused his drug at the other trials by not giving the high dose h to.d them to give. I sent a friend of mine for treatment and she went to the other hospital that was doing the trials instead of him, so it would be covered by insurance and so they gave her the lower dose and she died.
Believe me, I and my husband saw this with our own eyes.

I'm amazed I saw that post with my own eyes. #hilarious

By Mark McAndrew (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink


It's too bad that Stan has never published the details of your case in medical journals so others could learn from it and help others.

By Marc Stephens … (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

It seems to me that the ethical background to vaccination [...] has never been clearly addressed

Ever since the time of Jenner people have freaked out about every possible implication of cowpox vaccination -- up to and including the new race of human / cow hybrids that will result from transgressing the laws of nature -- but Tomlijenovic does not think there has been adequate discussion? Does she mean, perhaps, that the discussion has not arrived at her preferred conclusion?

By herr doktor bimler (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

@Dar: "I know personally all of his cancer patients."

How many? I estimate 6,000 or so, but it would be good to have an exact count. How many died of cancer, how many died of other causes?

Jenny McCarthy isn't "anti-science" at all. She may be anti- poorly done studies to do with autism but that would be about it. Please keep your biased, creepy Skeptic ("Die in a fire", horrific pornographic mutilation pictures...) opinions out of our Canadian cancer fundraiser. Really, why would Ottawa care about what some U. Michigan guy says? Orac stated a few days ago that flu vaccine efficacy was at 60-70%. Just a couple weeks ago on Canadian news I heard 45-50%. We really don't need your creepy input. Why don't you worry about Bill Gates, PATH and NPAFP and Menafrivac concerns? I know I broke my own rule about posting to creepy Skeptic places.

@Jen, is that how you approach all groups? If any person claiming to be a member of a group does something bad, every single person who might be sympathetic to that group instantly becomes personally culpable for the bad act?


"up to and including the new race of human / cow hybrids that will result from transgressing the laws of nature"

A wonderfully mad illustration of that features in one of my posts, a colour cartoon showing every pustule as a little cow.

I can't help thinking that UBC could put the money she's using to better use. (She's putting UBC's name to these things.)

Jenny McCarthy isn’t “anti-science” at all.

You know, you're right Jen; that would imply that the dumbass bint would actually know what science is.

By Science Mom (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

A wonderfully mad illustration of that features in one of my posts, a colour cartoon showing every pustule as a little cow.

Something tells me that we've seen the same print.

By herr doktor bimler (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink


"Something tells me that we’ve seen the same print."

Yup. Must nick the other one in your post sometime ;-)

A few weeks ago I saw a book someone had donated to the local public library (complete with donor's name!) which was basically a reprint of the treatises of two germ denialists from around the 1930s. On one hand very strange stuff; on the other hand not all the different to the data and graphs a "risk analyst" used to show here. It's remarkable how little some of it has changed despite the huge volume of research that has been done. (Must get that book out again one day and do a post on it: quoting excerpts from it might be fun.)

I took AS2-1 and it put lupus in remission. No side effects.

Ms. Nichols, given what "antineoplastons" are touted to be, the only way that your story makes sense is if they do have side effects, and apparently bizarrely unpredictable ones. Now, you state at the Burzynski Patient Group that you are still taking them. Might I inquire as to how much this rather simple chemical mixture is running you?

We really don’t need your creepy input. Why don’t you worry about Bill Gates, PATH and NPAFP and Menafrivac concerns? I know I broke my own rule about posting to creepy Skeptic places.

Oh, look, Jen learned a new trick, repeating the word "creepy." Why don't you take up this issue with your freakishly creepy pals at AoA?

Still, I'm sure that if you asked nicely, you could be permanently excluded from posting to preempt such lapses in self-control going forward.

Another stool sample from ORAC.

Dear Dar, glad your Lupus is on the run! That said, posts written in pigeon English are hard to take seriously because I always imagine them as being read by Borat. Try getting someone who is fluent in English to write your fanciful, passion-filled defenses of quackery. We'll still roll our eyes and not believe your anecdotes, but we won't laugh as hard.

And Jen. Smug, self-righteous, easily-creeped-out Jen. How lovely of you to drop by. Your posts, on the other hand, are crafted with the kind of loving attention to the intricacies of our mother tongue that would make Mrs. Lash (4th period English dragon) swoon with delight. However, I always hear them as read by Cartman's mom . . . and you're still not even wrong.

By Pareidolius (not verified) on 31 Jan 2013 #permalink

Remember Lucija Tomlijenovic, colleague of Dr. Shaw?

Oh, look what we have here on page 5:

In 1989, 10 years prior to the “controversial” Lancet report by Wakefield et al. [3], the JCVI appeared to have been fully aware of the outcomes of the investigation carried out by the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), which unequivocally established a link between the mumps component of the MMR vaccine (the Urabe-9 strain) and cases of vaccine-induced meningitis/encephalitis.

Nice work, Lucija.

Mr. Coe, you have returned!

Will you now finally answer my question? Gosh, it has been almsot two years since I asked it. Surely you have figured out the answer.

Please, Mr. Coe, tell us why Roald Dahl's oldest child, Olivia, is unable to tell us about her experience with measles. Explain to us why she cannot say "I had measles and I am okay."

Folks, do click on the link and see how Mr. Ross Coe associates what happened to Mr. Dahl's little girl to autism.

His reply is just awesome. It is like he wishes the same fate to every child with autism or developmental disabilities. Oh, and this is not sarcasm on my part, it is anger. The same anger I get when someone tells me that if a kid does not survive a disease it is just "natural selection."

Chris, Which link?


Got it, thanks. Lack of focus (or concentration) tonight so I didn't notice your embedded link.


Living in a remote corner of Western Australia, a looong way from Canada, the only thing I know Jenny McCarthy for IS her anti-vax propaganda. I'm aware of her past as a bunny (only because it is mentioned with respect to her anti-vax rants) but was unaware of her new-found gig selling exercise videos (What? For profit?).

But breast cancer awareness? Seriously? Aren't her breasts fake? Is that a positive message to send to young women?

If I might be allowed one small Godwin, can I say it's lucky Hitler isn't still alive. I hear he was a terrific motivator.

As a regular lurker, I must say I find the posts here anything but creepy. That is a strange choice of adjective, but I suppose when you can't prove that something is wrong you could go with creepy.

Grant@20: I've seen that PDF. It's just a listing of cherry-picked, out-of-context quotes from the published minutes of various UK health body meetings over the last 40-odd years. A real barrel-scraping job.

Dar, are you telling us you have been receiving antineoplastons from the Burzynski clinic for treatment of lupus erythematosus, not for an advanced cancer?

I thought the terms of Burzynski's consent decree were that he could only administer AN's as part of clinical trials, and try as I might I can't find any clinical trials targeting lupus registered by Burzynski on the FDA's website. Wonder if they're aware he appears to be violating the terms of the agreement...

@ross coe

Then pray do tell what you find wrong with Orac's article? I doubt you'll answer, but considering how you condone child murder and your lack of ethics, I wouldn't be surprised.

"Jen" is back at AoA with a post urging her pals to send letters in support of Jenny McCarthy...


"Please support the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centres choice of Jenny McCarthy to speak at their 'Bust a Move' fundraiser event. The creepy Skeptics have organized efforts in the opposite direction. Thanks.


Posted by: Jen | February 01, 2013 at 09:58 AM"

Thanks for the heads up, Orac. I'll be sending a nastygram to the foundation and spreading the word.

By Adrian in Ottawa (not verified) on 01 Feb 2013 #permalink

MESSAGE BEGINS---------------------

Shills and Minions,

In my day I have been called:

"Old Dragonpants" (I turn to you Miss Flinders)
A "Monster."
"Inhuman" (flattery will get you everywhere)
"Cold Blooded"
and a host of other colorful monikers meant to register the displeasure of the nattering monkey that hurled it in my direction like so much fecal matter.

I shall now proudly add "creepy" to this august list. I am deeply grateful to the Rebel Jen and her wretched hive mates for this honour.

Miss Flinders suggested the following entertainments . . .

Lord Draconis Zeneca, VH7ihL
Forward Mavoon of the Great Fleet, Pharmaca Magna of Terra, Creep First Class with Sparkle Clutsers

Assault Squadron VII

--------------------------MESSAGE ENDS

By Glaxxon Pharma… (not verified) on 01 Feb 2013 #permalink

I do believe kids are struggling with more ADHD than previously and maybe just more soft sign brain damage.

Another "Jen Gem". Seriously Jen STFU; you don't know diddly about ADHD nor autism. With your attitude, it's frightening that you are allowed around children in a professional capacity. I'm sure their parents would be delighted to know that you think of them as "brain damaged". No wonder you feel so at home at AoA.

By Science Mom (not verified) on 01 Feb 2013 #permalink

There's been lots of activity protesting Jenny McCarthy's invitation on the Bust a Move Facebook page.

Obviously, anyone here who uses Facebook (and in particular is from Ottawa) may want to go and add their disapproval.

By Composer99 (not verified) on 01 Feb 2013 #permalink


There's also a Twitter hashtag (#dropjenny) that is gaining momentum.

@lilady - wouldn't it be counterproductive for the anti-vax loons to submit letters of support, since the event organizers have chosen to ignore that part of Jenny's public persona?

The more they raise the issue, the more likely it will be that the organizers will be forced to drop Jenny just because of her "now more prominent" anti-vaccine views.....

@Pareidolius...... that would be "pidgin" english.


I agree. Not happy seeing UBC associated with it. (Among other things, I'd rather see research money/time/resources spent on better things.)

2GPAS: "Creep First Class with Sparkle Clusters"*


* edited.

@ Lawrence:

"wouldn’t it be counterproductive for the anti-vax loons to submit letters of support, since the event organizers have chosen to ignore that part of Jenny’s public persona?"

Shhhhh, the teacher's aide and the AoA gang are our secret weapons. :-)

Just heard on CBC that they've cancelled her!!!

By sheepmilker (not verified) on 01 Feb 2013 #permalink

Just heard on CBC that they’ve cancelled her!!!

I noted a couple of hours ago that I couldn't find any mention of her on the Web site for the event, but I hadn't seen it before.

Confirmed by CTV.

The fellow they replaced her with seems like an improvment in any event.

I was wrong. Spectacularly so. GrammarFail combined with SnarkFail is agony piled on top of ignominy. Then to be struck with the dreaded Public Correction. SIWOTI Syndrome strikes again. The Heartbreak of SIWOTI Syndrome can touch anyone. There is no cure, only constant vigilance. I know the suffering all too well, the bitten lips, rolled eyes, the muttered recriminations. I battle this hideous affliction daily. Remember the SIWOTI Syndrome sufferer's aphorism: "Do I want to be right, or do I want to be invited out for tea?"

By Pareidolius (not verified) on 01 Feb 2013 #permalink

Wonderful news! McCarthy's been dumped!
Thank you, Orac, for bringing this fiasco to our attention. Sometimes the good guys and girls do win.

BTW, an excerpt from the CBC story about this:

On her Twitter feed Friday afternoon, McCarthy blamed the cancellation of her appearance on scheduling conflicts: “So, so sorry Ottawa! I had to pull out of (the) event because of my new show taping conflict but will be back in a few months to make up for it!”

I see flaming pants.

I see flaming pants.

This is a truly amazing crock of shıt. That program premieres on February 8. There is no way she didn't know the taping schedule in advance.

This, however, is truly hilarious. Yes, two lucky winners will win a depilation laser device signed by McCarthy.

@Narad: are you saying that Jenny is ....uh....bending the truth? (grasps pearls and falls onto the fainting couch)

I don't see any way she or her booking agent could have been ignorant of the supposed conflict. The guests for that program have to be scheduled in advance. (And I will further note that her claim to have modeled it after "Playboy after Dark," a genuinely noteworthy musical variety program with fascinating set design in the later episodes, is simply obnoxious.)

Of course she's lying. In an updated story in the Ottawa Citizen, the CEO of the ORCF said they had a signed contract with her, and it's going to cost them money to break it.

If she signed a contract for that date, she knew it was available.

By Marc Stephens … (not verified) on 01 Feb 2013 #permalink

If she signed a contract for that date, she knew it was available.

A tidbit from a local media blog:

The show is being shot in New York, as it has been in production for nearly two years and was unable to switch its shooting to Chicago to accommodate McCarthy after she moved back to her home town.

^ Eh, the link still works.

Of course she’s lying. In an updated story in the Ottawa Citizen, the CEO of the ORCF said they had a signed contract with her, and it’s going to cost them money to break it.

So I assume she was going to get paid to do this charity gig, and will now get paid for not doing it?
How charitable of her.


So I assume she was going to get paid to do this charity gig, and will now get paid for not doing it?

This leads one to wonder how much of the funds raised would have gone to breast cancer research and how much would have gone to to the breast cancer fund raising business and has been/never was celebrities?

By Militant Agnostic (not verified) on 02 Feb 2013 #permalink


That's a very good point--she wins either way, but at least now she won't have all the attending publicity that a visit to Ottawa would provide. I'm sure if she had made it she would have had extensive fawning news coverage, interviews, hotel sightings, etc. Ottawa is a dull little town and a celebrity appearance generates major media coverage.

I'm glad she chose the "schedule conflict" excuse/lie to tweet rather than lash out at the ORCF for censorship. "Oh no, I'm being oppressed!"

I'm sure the nutbags over at AofA will have something to say about how Big Pharma conspired to have Jenny's appearance scrubbed or some such nonsense.

By Marc Stephens … (not verified) on 02 Feb 2013 #permalink


Forgot to mention: in my previous career I was involved in organizing several benefit events, and the artist always gets paid. It's a myth that entertainers do charity gigs for free. They get pretty close to their full, regular fees, plus all the tour expenses. In some cases, if an artist believes in the cause, he will then kick back part of his fee as a donation in exchange for a tax receipt, but that's not the rule. I know a few Canadian bands that keep busy for most of the year doing charity gigs. Their name sells tickets, they take their cut and the charity gets what's left after expenses.

There were even rumblings a couple of bands at the Sandy benefit in NYC were sniffing around to get paid for their appearances.

By Marc Stephens … (not verified) on 02 Feb 2013 #permalink

This comment needs a standing ovation.


“Do I want to be right, or do I want to be invited out for tea?”

Around us science folks, can't we try and do both? Oh, and your comment made me laugh :)

Science Mom: You tell her!

Jen: I know you're still here, somewhere, so here's a message:
signed an adult with ADD.

By Politicalguineapig (not verified) on 03 Feb 2013 #permalink

There is no try . . . only correct or correct not, tea is optional.

By Pareidolius (not verified) on 03 Feb 2013 #permalink

ADHD caused by vaccines? Seriously? Go back in your hole. By the way ADHD people are awesome.

'What Role do Toxins Play in ADHD?' (PCB's, lead, pesticides-)
and 'What Brain Changes Occur in Children with ADHD?'
'Brain injury (although not considered a major risk factor),particularly to frontal lobe is implicated' (slide 9of 14)
I have no interest in arguing the point further but it seems obvious that since vaccines can cause brain injuries (these being paid out for in vaccine court and listed as rare side effects in package inserts, may have a role as an environmental cause. Obviously there could be several causes, both environmental and genetic.
Rose- all kids are awesome.

I have no interest in arguing the point further but it seems obvious that since vaccines can cause brain injuries (these being paid out for in vaccine court and listed as rare side effects in package inserts, may have a role as an environmental cause I just can't stick the flounce.


I'm wondering if the teacher's aide in a classroom for children with special needs also spreads her *knowledge* of developmental disabilities to her colleagues and to the parents of those children.

Still waiting for the teacher's aide to link to Timmy Bolen's site and Jake's guest rant for her cronies at AoA.

#84, Rose, February 4, 2013:

By the way ADHD people are awesome.

So says my wife about me, and our ADD kids. ;) (Said kids are in or nearing their fifties.)

By Bill Price (not verified) on 05 Feb 2013 #permalink

Jen: all kids are awesome.

So why do you refer to kids with ADD/autism/ASD as 'damaged?' Why do you and your friends enthusiastically embrace dangerous cures like MMS, lupron and chelation, instead of enthusiastically embracing the kids you already have and getting them access to something that might actually work? I hope you'll stick around long enough to answer.

By Politicalguineapig (not verified) on 05 Feb 2013 #permalink