RWOS Hits 50,000

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Folks: After checking with my publisher, Basic Books, I'm pleased to announce that my first book, The Republican War on Science, has sold 50,000 copies (counting hardcover, paperback, translations, etc). Thanks to all of you who picked up one or more of those copies, and I hope you enjoyed it.

This of course sets a fairly high bar for the next book, Storm World, due out on July 9. But for what it's worth, I actually feel that with Storm World I've matured as a writer and delivered what is, in many ways, a better book. We'll see if readers agree....


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Congrats, Chris, on a very impressive milestone. as a fellow published author,I know how hard it is to hit those kinds of numbers. My only question is, who are the people who are NOT buying your book?!? It shoudl be required reading. Somewhere. :)

Congrats on the numbers, Chris. Glad it's still selling, since the war ain't over yet!

Having read and reviewed Storm World, I can't say whether you matured as a writer, but I can say that you demonstrated good command of a different approach, namely narrative rather than argumentation.

I like nonfiction books that approach their topic with a strong story line and capture the human qualities of the people involved, as SW does.

My review focuses on other aspects of the book, so I'm not giving much away by saying that I liked the storytelling. I might have hated the rest--or not, but you'll just have to wait until a newspaper publishes my review to find out.

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments. Blush.

Fred: I don't know what your review says but you've already made my day. The goal in Storm World was to write a science narrative, and I'm ecstatic to hear that you think I've succeeded.