Change Begins With You

In my final post over at NexGen, I discuss how to conserve what we have. And while there are several layers, the most obvious begins with YOU.


Because the truth is that personal decisions matter. Really. And like all those bumper stickers read, 'Think Globally, Act Locally.'

Head over and read a few steps toward energy conservation I've outlined. Remember that the future is what we make it and a lot of people, doing a lot of small things, adds up to real change.


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Final Post @ Next Gen? Has it run its course, or are you out of steam? Either would be understandable - both would be ashame.

NexGen was a three month blog so we're set to close up shop for now... but you never know what to expect here at Sb and I've a feeling energy will continue to be a hot topic. So stay tuned ;)