Generation O

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With that simple "we" in millions of in-boxes, the post-baby-boomer era seems to have begun. The endless "us versus them" battles of the '60s, over Vietnam, abortion, race and gender, at least for a moment last week, seemed as out-of-touch as a rotary phone.

These young voters and those slightly older, who together may forever be known as Generation O, were the ground troops of the campaign. They opened hundreds of Obama offices in remote areas, registered voters and persuaded older relatives to take a chance on the man with the middle name Hussein.

They saw in Mr. Obama, 47, who was born at the tail end of the baby boom era, the values that sociologists and cultural critics ascribe to them.

[source: New York Times]


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Seems like the writers at the New York Times were, as usual, as in touch with the times as a hand-cranked phone. Apparently nobody told them about the victory of anti-gay initiatives in four states, or the endorsement of xenophobia, imperialism and superstition by over 46% of US voters...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 10 Nov 2008 #permalink