Unprecedented Opportunity


We recently learned that our friend and ScienceDebate co-founder Lawrence Krauss will co-chair the Board of Sponsors of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists with Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman. Together they aim to re-energize a national discussion on the reduction
of nuclear weapons stockpiles, fight proliferation, and encourage
disarmament. The Board--founded in 1948 by Albert Einstein--aims to support the efforts of the Bulletin to 'amplify voices of reason and encourage rational policymaking on nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, climate change and biotechnology.' 

Krauss, Director of a new Origins initiative at Arizona State University, in his own words:

With a new administration in Washington, it will be an unprecedented opportunity to re-examine our policy on missile defense, nuclear weapons, nuclear proliferation and nuclear energy. There are a number of different areas where U.S. policy has been stagnant or gone backwards, and there is a tremendous need for a sensible strategy. We will use the talent and reputation of the Board of Sponsors to be leading voices; to reinvigorate and raise the profile on these nuclear-related issues, so vital to our long-term peace and safety.

Let's all hope they succeed.

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That's good news. I have been a Bulletin subscriber for two years now and while they still provide a valuable resource, in recent times the quality of their articles has slightly declined. Sometimes they have had some questionable articles under the pretext of supporting contrarian viewpoints. Krauss should also address the fact that the Bulletin is no longer available in print, only online. The Bulletin should be able to work in concert with the new administration since non-proliferation has always been a top priority for Obama. For instance see my recent post.