New Punk

Sb has a new guy who calls himself SciencePunk (aka 'Frank Swain'). He's from the UK and claims a history of 'making zines, being a filthy scenester, stage-managing burlesque shows, climbing buildings, hanging out with strippers, arguing the toss and generally being a force for good.'

I haven't followed his stuff, but the way this reads, we'll either get on like old friends from Gilman Street or fight like hipsters for the last pair of black rimmed glasses. So welcome to the Sb blogosphere Swain. As for our online relationship, only time will tell...

But for now, this goes out to you:


More like this

"...fight like hipsters for the last pair of black rimmed glasses" made me laugh so hard a Cheerio came forth from my nose. That is not goddess-like at all.

Sheril owns the internet this morning.