A Toyota commercial that uses the "e-word"?

Not only does the commercial dare to mention evolution, but it also features a prominent paleontologist and (gasp) some actual science. I have no idea whether it has been broadcast in the U.S., but I would guess not;

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Nice ad. I really like it. Though it does more to say "fossil hunting in China is cool" than "buy a Toyota".

Sweet. Thats one way to get your field work paid for (and not to worry about your vehicle breaking down).....off to get my land rover sponsorship now......;)

Errr, if that's the case where is the damned car? I can't see it from here! Perhaps they forgot to leave it behind after filming...

Note: I work with Xu Xing and I am looking over the car park right now.

By Dave Hone (not verified) on 10 May 2008 #permalink

Ha, they could pay me to do one of these! My Tacoma is just as handy -- my little mammal teeth are maybe less photogenic than dinosaurs, though.