Thursday morning miscellany

  • I'm a little bit late on this one but I wanted to say "Welcome!" to the latest member of the Sb collective All of My Faults Are Stress Related. It's good to have another geo-blog around the place.

  • The first edition of ART Evolved has been posted. The inaugural edition features a slew of wonderful ceratopsian images, and I can hardly wait until the next edition (featuring synapsids).

  • During the Saturday night dinner at Science Online '09 I had the chance to chat with Karen James and Glendon Mellow and together we came up with an idea to raise some support for the Beagle Project. (Admittedly Karen is doing most of the legwork.) You can read all about the ingenious plan here.

  • It has been a long wait but the 3rd (2008) edition of The Open Laboratory is now available! I am proud to say that one of my posts is included in it and I can't wait to see how it looks in print.

  • On a sadder note, last night ABC News Nightline featured a story on primate research at the University of Louisiana-run New Iberia Research Center. It is doubtful that research facilities can ethically house and care for apes & other primates in the best of times, and this report reveals the cruel treatment of these animals at New Iberia;

I also highly recommend the PBS documentary Chimpanzees: An Unnatural History, Roger Fouts' book Next of Kin, Deborah Blum's The Monkey Wars, and (if you can find it) On the Side of the Apes. Below is a clip from the PBS documentary;

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That Nightline story is just horrifying. If these allegations are true (and it's hard to argue with video footage) then New Iberia has done a great disservice not only to the animals in it's 'care' but also to the entire biomedical research community.