Maybe Crazy Is the Republican Base

A recent meeting of the Utah County Republican Party

I've argued before that the Republicans can't win elections without their racist base. Well, apparently they can't win without their cracked-in-the-head base either.

From Utah County, Utah:

Don Larsen, chairman of legislative District 65 for the Utah County Republican Party, had submitted a resolution warning that Satan's minions want to eliminate national borders and do away with sovereignty.

In a speech at the convention, Larsen told those gathered that illegal immigrants "hate American people" and "are determined to destroy this country, and there is nothing they won't do."

Illegal aliens are in control of the media, and working in tandem with Democrats, are trying to "destroy Christian America" and replace it with "a godless new world order -- and that is not extremism, that is fact," Larsen said.

At the end of his speech, Larsen began to cry, saying illegal immigrants were trying to bring about the destruction of the U.S. "by self invasion."

Keep in mind, this isn't just some guy who showed up, he's a district chair of the Republican Party. I've known some low level party chairmen in the Democratic Party, and they're just not this batshit lunatic. But what's even more awful is that two attendees felt comfortable to utter this:

One speaker, who was identified as "Joe," said illegal immigrants were Marxist and under the influence of the devil.

Another dropped this pearl of wisdom (italics mine):

Another, who declined to give her name to the Daily Herald, said illegal immigrants should not be allowed because "they are not going to become Republicans and stop flying the flag upside down. ... If they want to be Americans, they should learn to speak English and fly their flag like we do."

This is not a policy debate. This is a public display of mental illness. A lot of Republicans left the convention once the crazy hour struck. But that doesn't absolve them of this. Here's why: the Republicans rely on this idiocy (and that's the kind term) to win elections. Until they repudiate these lunatics, the inmates will be running the asylum that is the current Republican Party (this also explains a lot of things, such as faith-based neurology). These mindless Uruk-Hai are how Republicans win elections. I know politically active Democrats (hell, on occasion, I am one), and we're just not this loony.

Call them the Coalition of the Insane.

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Dude, you're just realizing this?!

Being a district chairman isn't that big a deal. Be aware that most around here thought the guy was an idiot as well. Further most of the actual Republican leadership are pro-immigration. There have been a few wingnuts chasing Rep. Cannon on this issue, but he has a fairly rational position on immigration.

As for Democrats, I've met plenty of wing-nut Democrats as well.

Trying to portray Republicans as racist because of one idiot when most of the Utah Republicans take the opposite position seems a bit...wingnuttish?

As for Democrats, I've met plenty of wing-nut Democrats as well.

The difference is, Democrats dont reward their wingnuts for every stupid idea they have.

Comment Review: Goble does the "me or your lying eyes" bit but without Pryor's panache.

What is the obsession with Homo erectus? There couldn't be something between H. habilis and H. erectus? H. erectus has to be the first of the genus to migrate out of Africa? I don't think so.

Being a district chairman isn't that big a deal. Be aware that most around here thought the guy was an idiot as well. Further most of the actual Republican leadership are pro-immigration. There have been a few wingnuts chasing Rep. Cannon on this issue, but he has a fairly rational position on immigration

Being a district chairman isn't that big a deal. Be aware that most around here thought the guy was an idiot as well. Further most of the actual Republican leadership are pro-immigration. There have been a few wingnuts chasing Rep. Cannon on this issue, but he has a fairly rational position on immigration