This Is Not the French Consulate

Crime in the urban hellhole known as Boston:

01/11/10 - At approximately 5:29 a.m., officers responded to a radio call for a removal from the French Library, located at 53 Marlborough St.

On arrival, police spoke to the executive director of the library (the witness), who stated that a male suspect on the premises was refusing to leave.

The witness said that a man had entered the library at around 4 p.m. and asked to speak to a member of the French Consulate. The witness said she provided the man with the phone number of the French Consulate and told him that there was no connection between the consulate and the French Library.

At this time, the witness said that the suspect became belligerent and she asked him to leave the building. The witness also stated that she requested that the suspect leave the building numerous times over the next hour before finally calling police.

The suspect told police that he would not leave the library under any circumstances and that he needed to talk to a member of the consulate in private. Officers then reiterated to the suspect that there was no connection between the two institutions, asking him to leave the premises.

The suspect refused to exit the building after the witness instructed him to do so again, and officers informed the suspect that he would be arrested for trespassing.

After exhaustive efforts, the officers peacefully escorted the suspect from the building and transported him to District Four headquarters for booking. The suspect was charged with trespassing.

Never a dull moment in this city. And only a block away from where I live. Thank the Intelligent Designer I possess the Plunger of God to protect me.

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You know, it's sad. I'll bet the man could have been extricated by humoring him. The librarian could not have spared the time, nor left the building, but the police probably could have managed it. Instead everybody adopted a confrontational stance. Sad, sad.

"Okay, okay sir, I guess you saw through my act - actually I'm not a librarian after all, I'm the French Consul, what can I do for you?"
"I need to speak to a librarian immediately!"