Links 7/17/11

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About this whole CIA/bin Laden thing, ignore the moral implications of all of this for a moment. Just think about the plan.

The plan was to administer vaccinations then somehow take the used needles and individually rewrap them and code them so you could track them back to an individual. Ever seen a mass immunization? The needles get dumped into a sharps container not individually rewrapped. Then they need to collect all those rewrapped needles from all those immunization workers who would have to know something very strange was going on and haul hundreds or thousands of these samples to a lab somewhere, process them all and run them through a forensic genotyping panel that had enough markers to infer a match given only the genotypes from the paternal grandparents of these kids? I doubt they had bin Laden's direct genotype prior to them shooting him. They may have had bin Laden's mother's genotype but his father died in 1967. He had a ton of kids so it could have been inferred if enough of his wives & kids cooperated. They would not have bin Laden's wives' genotypes.

Seriously, they expected this to actually work?

By Don Atkinson (not verified) on 17 Jul 2011 #permalink