Still more contemptible ghouls

The entire shrieking, howling, raving mob of religious lunatics at Westboro Baptist Church, who are planning to attend the funerals of the slain students and staff.


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I detest Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church. Few religious loonies bring the hate home in a more concentrated fashion than Phelps and his not-so-merry band of homophobic nutcases. Whether it be threatening to picket the funerals of Amish girls killed in a school shooting, showing up on TV…
tags: comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, self parody, wingnuts, hate group, religion, cults, institutionalized mind-control, Westboro Baptist Church, streaming video If this video doesn't scare you, then this piece of information might: this video is by the Westboro Baptist Church hate group…
This is just hilarious. I particularly like the part about "hooligans," "Godless Sodomites," and "fag-enabling fools." And don't forget: "the Satanic spirit of mockery." (I wonder if Respectful Insolence⢠would qualify.) Funny, but Phelps looks and sounds much as I pictured him. Actually, I…

Don't know if you had seen this contemptible ghoul: Last night the crank physicist Jack Sarfatti posted the following to the Society for Literature, Science & the Arts:

The President and Police Chief are culpable for not alerting the campus more effectively in the 2 hour interval. There will be many lawsuits from the parents of the murdered. Looks like more than one shooter and it's obviously a terrorist attack. More to come I'm afraid. Campuses are soft targets for the Islamofascists. I consult with National Directorate of Intelligence on this sort of stuff but I am speaking here only for myself.

When he was rebuked by several list members this morning he replied to one of them:

Look you degenerate pervert don't you dare infringe on my freedom of speech. It's degenerate perverts like you pretending to be "artists" who are wrecking America. I also got the same message from a bitch who writes about transexualism. This is the kind of crap you create.

Funny, we haven't hear anything more about the Islamofascists since the killer was identified this morning.

Wikipedia entry on Sarfatti's science here.

They don't just come out of the woodwork, the media runs to these kooks whenever tragedy strikes. I was looking for an update on TV yesterday, and new I could count on CNN having 24 hour coverage on big stuff like this and Anna Nichole Smith. So I turn them on and who's pontificating? Dr. Phil and the VT chaplin. MSNBC? Some other religious loon telling everyone to keep their faith, that god has a plan. The only place that wasn't pandering to the faith-heads was the BBC. Strange that you have to go to a foreign news source for real news about your own country. Gives me some perspective. Oh, and they were up to date on the details hours before CNN, despite being thousands of miles away.

Blake Stacey: Exactly.

WBC never comes down on the side of rational thinking. They go way past bigotry and straight to hate.

If those are the kind of people God wants in Heaven, I want to go to Hell. Luckily, I'll be decomposing instead.

I'm just baffled at who these "servants of God" are that the military supposedly shot at.

i wonder what the statutory punishment would be in Virginia for, say, hosing down the WBC funeral service picket line with a big ol' whuppin' can of pepper spray?

if one just stood up in front of the court and everybody and admitted to not only doing it, but being proud of having done it and willing to do it again, could there be a jury found in the nation that would convict?

By Nomen Nescio (not verified) on 17 Apr 2007 #permalink

As ridiculous as the Phelps clan is, sometimes I think that these folks ought to be in front of a microphone more and not less. The louder they shout, the dumber they sound and the more they shout, the more the moderate religious sort see just what type of psychopaths that they share a subset with- and the more I laugh and laugh until the tears come.

There is a perfectly understandable reason why so many people turn to religion under these circumstances. It is the equivalent of when a child has a boo-boo and runs to a parent for a "kiss-it-and-make-it-better" "treatment" Adults turn to religion for the same "treatment" by the Uber-parent, God. This is the triggering of the placebo effect, which is a switch from the fight or flight state, to the rest and relaxation state.

Fred Phelps and the West Baptist Church are trying to invoke Stockholm Syndrome. A varient of battered person syndrome.

This is the perfect time to try and suck people into abusive relationships, when they are traumatized exactly like in capture bonding . The religious people know this, which is why they are descending on VT like buzzards on dead meat.

Fred Phelps is probably helping the gay cause.

Here's my nomination for %&%&%#$ of the month -- John Derbyshire over at National Review Online:

On the VT tragedy:

Spirit of Self-Defense [John Derbyshire]
As NRO's designated chickenhawk, let me be the one to ask: Where was the spirit of self-defense here? Setting aside the ludicrous campus ban on licensed conceals, why didn't anyone rush the guy? It's not like this was Rambo, hosing the place down with automatic weapons. He had two handguns for goodness' sake--one of them reportedly a .22.

At the very least, count the shots and jump him reloading or changing hands. Better yet, just jump him. Handguns aren't very accurate, even at close range. I shoot mine all the time at the range, and I still can't hit squat. I doubt this guy was any better than I am. And even if hit, a .22 needs to find something important to do real damage--your chances aren't bad.

Yes, yes, I know it's easy to say these things: but didn't the heroes of Flight 93 teach us anything? As the cliche goes--and like most cliches. It's true--none of us knows what he'd do in a dire situation like that. I hope, however, that if I thought I was going to die anyway, I'd at least take a run at the guy.

On the British hostages:

Brit Wimps [John Derbyshire]
Once again, it's me and Ralph Peters on the same wavelength, deploring the cowardice of the British sailors and marines kidnapped by Iran. When it happened, I said I hoped the ones who'd shamed their country would be court-martialed on return to Blighty, and given dishonorable discharges after a couple years breaking rocks in the Outer Hebrides (which, believe me--I've been there--have a LOT of rocks). Now, I confess, I wouldn't shed a tear if some worse fate befell them.
The only coherent response I get to these sentiments is: "How do you know what they've been through? How would YOU stand up?" To which the obvious reply is the one Dr. Johnson gave in some similar case: "I may criticize a carpenter who makes me a bad table, though I cannot make a table myself. It is not my job to make tables." It is the job of a Royal Marine to fight, and if necessary suffer and die, for his country. They know that when they go in. It's what they are told! I nurse a quiet hope that if put to the test, I would stand up as well as any Marine. Whether or not I would, however, is irrelevant. Whether or not I could stand up well to torture, I expect Marines to.


Well, the obvious take-home lesson from this for me is that the teaching of English and especially creative writing is a corrupting influence and a danger to our impressionable youth and society in general.
(/Parody, just in case it needs to be pointed out.)

The faux moral outrage of these cranks would be funny if the circumstances they're hijacking weren't so tragic.

I'm not recommending this, of course, but it's easy to imagine that one day, the Phelps klan will picket the wrong funeral in one of those states where anyone can get a carry permit, and the mourners will pick them off like ducks.

Less easy to imagine: a jury that would convict said mourners.

By Molly, NYC (not verified) on 17 Apr 2007 #permalink

It looks as if ol' Fred's least favorite people, the Patriot Guard, are planning on showing up for at least a few of the funerals. PG have done quite a few funerals here in my state (a couple of military bases+Iraq= a whole lot of funerals). They don't keep Fred and his Flock of Jackasses from speaking, they just keep them faaaaaar away from the funeral route, burial site and the family members.

Our defense is not in our armaments, nor in science, nor in going underground. Our defense is in law and order.
-- Albert Einstein

I think that applies here too.

For what it's worth, the Westboro Baptists announced that they were coming to our small Iowa town a few years back because it was "the new Gommorah." After weeks of newspaper articles in all of the cities nearby, the big day came and we turned out to see two rather ragged-looking people carrying dirty, moth-eaten signs. They had obviously been sleeping in their car for days.

The raging liberals from the community, including the congregations of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, had planned on a counter-demonstration, but there was no point, since the Westboro folks would have been outnumbered by a couple walking their dog.

In the end, the Westboroeans were offered food and the chance for a shower, but they spurned all of the offers and disappeared, leaving the severely chastened locals to rue their sins.

Phelps didn't bother to show up.

I found this quote mentioned at DIGG:
WBC will preach at the funerals of the Virginia Tech students killed on campus during a shooting rampage April 16, 2007.

It linked back to the Westboro Baptist Church, and godhatesamerica website, but I just can't find the full quote (below) that I read on Tilted Forum Project:
WBC will preach at the funerals of the Virginia Tech students killed on campus during a shooting rampage April 16, 2007. You describe this as monumental horror, but you know nothing of horror -- yet. "They shall also gird themselves with sackloth, and horror shall cover them; and shame shall be upon all faces, and baldness upon all their heads" (Eze. 7:18).

Again, I can't find that quote anywhere on Phelp's website. Anyone actually see this quote there? I'd appreciate backup evidence as I'd like to post this a few places, but hesitate without proof that it actually exists where it's claimed to be.

It amazing what a bunch of sick puppies Phelps and his bunch are. It's like they are all frightened traumatized children who lick the toes of their abuser and point out the faults of the others hoping to delay punishment. What a bunch of God Sycophants. They keep screaming "God Hates America"... why don't they just leave?

By Cathy in Seattle (not verified) on 17 Apr 2007 #permalink

If I could restrain myself from punching a hole in that decrepit moron's face, I would like to ask Mr Phelps what the Bible meant when it said "he who claims to know the light but hates his brother is a liar."

The WBC is reviled by every Christian I know.

"Contemptible Ghouls" and "Demented Fuckwits" - are those blog categories yet?

The only place that wasn't pandering to the faith-heads was the BBC. Strange that you have to go to a foreign news source for real news about your own country.

Yeah... The Economist... Reuters. Yeah.

I spent a few months frequenting a mostly-conservative midwestern talk-radio blog way back in '04, to get a sense of what the other side thought. These people constructed "arguments" by quoting the likes of Boortz, Savage, Limbaugh, etc. It debate by cut-n-paste. Coulter was held up as an iconic voice of conservative Truth, and any liberal objections were solely attributed to an inability to accept this "truth." The swift-boaters were courageous vets who were going to save America from that traitor, John Kerry.

They pretty much hated and distrusted Reuters. It was owned by foreigners so OF COURSE it was uniformly anti-American in its coverage, so news from Reuters was usually dismissed on those grounds.

I'd better stop thinking about this, or I'll have to start taking those... those... those meds again...

I agree with #7... Let them get their message out...It's the true Christian perspective after all. I caught a few minutes of Todd Friel today with Ray Comfort on Way of the Master Radio. His position is that all the students who died deserved it... They were all depraved retched sinners and they deserved to goto hell. He has also said this about all the people who died on 9/11. The way he tells it, it's the only explanation that makes sense. The podcasts are available online now...they make great evangelism material...for atheism.

Yup, and 9/11 was "allowed" by God as punishment for the sins of the gays and lesbians, decadent secularists, etc., according to two of the most prominent voices in American Christianity: Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. And now this animate cesspool Friel. Where do these people come from, and WHY are they on the radio?! Friel sounds like that freak in PZ's dungeon who called every female American college student outside of Pensacola a diseased whore. (Maybe I should get a blood test?)

That grubby racist Debbie Schlussel is at it again.

She's now whining that a pic of grieving V-Tech students includes Muslims.

By Christian Burnham (not verified) on 17 Apr 2007 #permalink

The entire shrieking, howling, raving mob of religious lunatics at Westboro Baptist Church, who are planning to attend the funerals of the slain students and staff.

Quadriplegic quarks! I see in the links that WBC have been doing this many times before. They even danced over the bodies of Thailand 2004 tsunami victims and hallowed the tragedy.

Since it is a similar case I didn't know about I will indulge in a little comparison.

The reason for WBC's atrocious behavior was that it was one of the largest swedish catastrophes lately. And homosexuals, Sweden and Canada are on Fred Phelp's hit list.

A pentecostal pastor (and now you know it's going to be bad) Åke Green made a sermon attacking homosexuals, mixing biblical and nazi imagery ( ). He was accused of breaking the newly updated hate crime legislation that now includes homosexuals.

But acquitted because the legislation was found to be inconsistent with the Europa Union conventions - it is too aggressive against free speech. Apparently the freeing and the legislative rework it triggered doesn't matter for Phelp. He put up a web site that accuses Swedes for s_o_d_o_m_y, b_e_s_t_i_a_l_i_t_y and i_n_c_e_s_t. [Spam filter edit.] The evidence: the royal family is financed by the state.

In both cases WBC are claiming their gods willed the outcome. The illogic in their thinking this will be publicly positive is only offset by the massive illogic in the arguments. ('Acquittal didn't mean anything because the population applauded Green's problems - never mind that we applaud massive deaths.' "jackass Swedes", you are welcome to email but "cuss words are not relevant". Et cetera.)

And what they don't want to mention is that Green himself, who seems to have gladly accepted support from swedish televangelists and neo-nazi's, distanced himself from the WBC actions since they were "appalling" and "harms Christianity" ( ).

Deranged or not, WBC seems to be stout defenders of their faith, uncaring of consequences (or others). I hope against hope that this time US religious people give them the support they are worth. :-(

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 18 Apr 2007 #permalink

As an Episcopalian (we're said to be the "granola-munching hippies" of the Protestant world), I'm ashamed to share the same species, let alone the same religion, with these freaks. It makes me increasingly sad and angry that most of my fellow "Christians" are ignoring and outright dismissing Jesus's teachings of peace and love. Oh yes, talk about Jesus all you want! But heaven forbid you actually ACT like him or LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAID! Grrrrrr.....

By Laser Potato (not verified) on 18 Apr 2007 #permalink

The comment appears on

I think people should just ignore WBC. They only after one thing, attention.

Erika Kubassek, a former "prophetess" here in southern Ontario would often complain other the morality of Ontarians. She protested against abortion, homosexuality, pornography, pot-smokers, women fighting the right to go topless, she threw pamphlets in the provincial legislature, and blamed e-coli deaths on the government's immorality. Then, she was charged with disrupting a same-sex ceremony in Toronto (saying God made her do it).

She was found guilty but she was discharged absolutely. She has not been heard from since.

The entire shrieking, howling, raving mob of religious lunatics at Westboro Baptist Church, who are planning to attend the funerals of the slain students and staff.

Quadriplegic quarks! I see in the links that WBC have been doing this many times before. They even danced over the bodies of Thailand 2004 tsunami victims and hallowed the tragedy.

Since it is a similar case I didn't know about I will indulge in a little comparison.

The reason for WBC's atrocious behavior was that it was one of the largest swedish catastrophes lately. And homosexuals, Sweden and Canada are on Fred Phelp's hit list.

A pentecostal pastor (and now you know it's going to be bad) Åke Green made a sermon attacking homosexuals, mixing biblical and nazi imagery ( ). He was accused of breaking the newly updated hate crime legislation that now includes homosexuals.

But acquitted because the legislation was found to be inconsistent with the Europa Union conventions - it is too aggressive against free speech. Apparently the freeing and the legislative rework it triggered doesn't matter for Phelp. He put up a web site that accuses Swedes for s_o_d_o_m_y, b_e_s_t_i_a_l_i_t_y and i_n_c_e_s_t. [Spam filter edit.] The evidence: the royal family is financed by the state.

In both cases WBC are claiming their gods willed the outcome. The illogic in their thinking this will be publicly positive is only offset by the massive illogic in the arguments. ('Acquittal didn't mean anything because the population applauded Green's problems - never mind that we applaud massive deaths.' "jackass Swedes", you are welcome to email but "cuss words are not relevant". Et cetera.)

And what they don't want to mention is that Green himself, who seems to have gladly accepted support from swedish televangelists and neo-nazi's, distanced himself from the WBC actions since they were "appalling" and "harms Christianity" ( ).

Deranged or not, WBC seems to be stout defenders of their faith, uncaring of consequences (or others). I hope against hope that this time US religious people give them the support they are worth. :-(

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 18 Apr 2007 #permalink

re erika kubassek
ya shes been quite a pain on the streets of cambridge, kitchener ,waterloo, etc
havent heard from her in a long time :), we were so tired of the media allowing her crap.
shes a violent angry person
ya and a fur coat made w animals not also raised for food.and WE r the sinners???
shes in the victorian era (shame)not b4 or since was this the case. ppl swam naked till the 70s at some ymcas.

twisting the bible,re topFREEness (shamefree)
when any1 can go to topfree beaches or nudist resorts thats not sinning if some 1 lusts etc its that person that is sinning not the topfree etc person. :P
God says "who told u, u were naked?"
and thats from i think the vactican website.
shes just a hateful nasty person. so intollerant of others
then her hubs "yes dear" defending her.
i dont have a problem w gays, actually intollerance is why most commit suicide , which is the bigger sin? its a horrible thing to know OF some1 doing that and she was only 16.
ya im a lot more tollerant NOW.
just cause im a straight married "christian" doesnt mean i agree w everything.

SHAME is the real sin :)
