Remembering Zeke

Long time readers here, and fans of Creek Running North, the best-written blog on the internets, will remember Zeke…and if you don't, you've been missing out. And now you can get a whole book of nothing but concentrated Zeke, which sounds like Dog Heaven to me.


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There are worse places than Dog Heaven to spend your birthday, especially for young boys of merely 51.


Happy B-Day PZ. May it be what you want it to be.

Thanks for the heads-up. Have a great B'day, PZ.

By Rick Sommer (not verified) on 09 Mar 2008 #permalink

Happy birthday, from another avid cephalopod enthusiast. I also speak the language of the deep, and the head squid has asked me to pass this on to you:
"happy birthday old man. Thanks for talking us up"

I had wondered when I would get my due around here!
Happy Birthday you rascal. Keep up the good work.

By dogheaven (not verified) on 09 Mar 2008 #permalink