Cell biologists, you now have an excuse to bring donuts to class

Why? Because you must explain how mitosis works…using Krispy Kremes.


Make sure they understand the chemistry of fats and carbohydrates first!


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Krispy Kremes are evil mate, don't let them reproduce...:-)

By Rorschach (not verified) on 04 Jan 2010 #permalink

I still think I prefer the petri dish cookies from a while back.

Mmmm, chocolatey mitooooossiiss....

But I'm with sqlrob - those petri dish cookies were WAY cooler!
Don't let me fool you into thinking I wouldn't eat both...

(One day, after only the dust of a ruined civilization is left, the ellipsis will peek its head out and begin taking over...)

I remember seeing this a few months ago through a link from Isis's blog. There's a great one of different types of clouds represented as cream in coffee.

I remember reading about regular donuts being a visual metaphor for a cyclical cosmology, but now I see they are really about gastrulation.

Donuts ... Toroids ...
Is this going to set Pivar off again?

I would imagine that there are a lot of delicious hydrocarbons without double bonds in their carbon skeleton in those mitosis-y treats... Yum! :)

Thanks for the link, those pics are amazing! How the hell did he do the carpet 'milk drop'? Is it all just photo-shopped?

Don't dis the ellipsis ... I loooove the ellipsis ... the full-stop is so ... sudden.

By Janet Holmes (not verified) on 04 Jan 2010 #permalink

My guess is that the carpet milk drop is an honest photo where the supports for the drops are hidden behind the drops by perspective. A nice example of using perspective to photograph physical impossibilities is shown at http://www.andrewlipson.com/escher/ascending.html where you can see Escher's "Ascending and Descending" done in Legos.