Mexicans communicating science and skepticism

It was a long day and a late evening yesterday at Primer Coloquio Mexicano de Ateísmo, and today I plan on doing some sightseeing in Mexico City. I also met a lot of Mexican atheists and skeptics and scientists yesterday, and some of them have blogs and podcasts…so here, Spanish speakers, is a list of excellent sites you ought to add to your regular reading list:

  • Pócimas, cocciones y brebajes. Una bitácora electrónica que pretende ser filtro de amor a la ciencia, y un bálsamo contra sus enemigos.

  • La Ciencia por Gusto. Versión ampliada de la columna semanal divulgación cientÃfica de Mart&iacuteln Bonfil Olivera, de la Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia, de la UNAM, que aparece los miércoles en el periódico mexicano Milenio Diario.

  • Masa Crítica. El podcast Ateo.

  • Un Papá Escéptico. La Ciencia Salva!

  • Espeja Escéptic. Simplemente, Observando al Mundo.

I've also learned that the convention was held near a public square where the Inquisition used to burn heretics. Isn't it sweet to consider that every one of the people above would have been dragged out, tied to a stake, and set on fire once upon a time? There is progress!


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