Do you remember Terry Hurlbut? Of course not. He's another boring creationist whose schtick is to claim that creationists really are scientists — after all, Isaac Newton was a creationist. He also maintains something called the "Creationist Hall of Fame" which lists a lot of legitimate pre-Darwin thinkers and 20th century crackpots. His "Hall of Fame" is just a website, but he dreams big: he wants to put up a real building with…what? I don't know. Printouts of his articles?
Anyway, the semi-interesting thing he wants to do is build that edifice to idiocy somewhere near the Creation "Museum". It's a legitimate business plan, I think; the concentration of deluded fools spikes in the vicinity of Answers in Genesis, and that's his market. AiG has nothing to do with it, though — I wonder if they'd resent someone tapping into their pool of suckers? Or if they'd see it as an addition to their vortex of stupid? It depends on Hurlbut's ideological purity, I suppose.
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I seriously took a Greek class with that guy. His wife passed away a few years ago and I'd assume he's on a "got nothing to lose" streak at this point. Scary.
Not sure what all the anti-creationis rant is these days. Must be a new left wing fad going around.
Sounds like more fluoride drinking candaian madness to me. Better luck next time my hairy palmed fiends.
Einstein's all theories have been shown to be incorrect and consequently openly challenged on the basis of published articles. Open challenge is on World Science Database & General Science Journal.
Open challenge is on… and also on
If it wouldn't take relativity into account, it would be off by several hundred meters.
Challenge over.
Also, Einstein arcs, crosses and rings. Google for them.
You sound like a Nazi with The Final Solution for those you consider crazy. Shame on you - another self-hating Jewish Liberal. I don't buy Creationist's stuff either but I would not send them to the ovens as you clearly would do if you could with the venom in your writing.
Jack Sarfatti
To cite a newspaper headline...
Go here.
Hey, Jacko! Where are you! We've been mocking you for 69 comments and counting! Come and dance for us!
You might even learn something about your name in the process.
After stating "Einstein's theories have been shown to be incorrect..." Mohammad Shafiq Khan provided two links (presumably to support his claims).… and
Huh. They did when I wrote my comment. You're not missing anything, though – both pages just restate the challenge.
I had to fight with the links as well, but through one of them I found the text below:
The article ‘On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies’ by Albert Einstein is based on trickeries is proved beyond any doubt whatsoever in thearticles(1). ‘Experimental & Theoretical Evidences of Fallacy of Space‐time Concept and Actual State of Existence of the Physical Universe’ published in the peerreviewed journal namely Indian Journal of Science & Technology (March 2012 issue) available on (2)‘On the Electrodynamics of
Moving Bodies By Albert Einstein is Based on Trickeries’ (Open letter to Professors, Teachers, Researchers and Students of Physics) published in peer‐reviewed journal Elixir Online Journal (February 2012 issue) available on The Voigt transformation was simply a mathematical possibility which was changed by Lorentz by introducing the Lorentz factor but the Lorentz factor is simply a manipulation. Thus nature and forces in nature were trivialized and made subservient to mathematics in the theories of relativity, Big Bang Theory, Space‐time concept and in all physical sciences which are directly or indirectly based on the ‘On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies’. It is unfortunate for humanity that exposing these trickeries took more than one hundred years.
The paper (1) appears to be open for access, I can't see a DOI for it. I think however that the refutation of relativity would be inconsequential compared with an earlier paper by MSK:
Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2010b) Foundation of Theory of Everything: Non-living Things & Living Things. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 3(9), 955-981. Available on
Tell me more, WhiteHatLurker.
Oh, sorry. Apparently I can't detect irony. *taps ironometer*
LOL! Kinetic energy? Potential energy? What about the forces other than electromagnetism? Over here, such things are taught in secondary school!