Can I add “Published Authority on the Female Orgasm” to my CV now?

Our rebuttal to claims about the adaptive significance of the female orgasm has been published, as Zietsch & Santtila's study is not evidence against the by-product theory of female orgasm. I blogged about this a while back, and also dealt with some counter-arguments, and Elisabeth Lloyd thought my arguments were strong enough to be incorporated into a letter, so there you go…now I just need a badge or a t-shirt with a proclamation about my expertise on it.

Wallen K, Myers PZ, Lloyd EA (2012) Zietsch & Santtila’s study is not evidence against the by-product theory of female orgasm. Animal Behaviour

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It's behind an elsevier paywall and costs 31.50 $ to read. Ah, no thanks

You should not publish in Elsevier journals.

$31.50 a time for an expert on female orgasms is cheap!

Absurd. The female orgasm is a myth propogated by the magazine industry. I've certainly never seen it happen.

By Rob Coover (not verified) on 21 Sep 2012 #permalink

Over at FtB, PZ has said that the response was submitted to Animal Behaviour because that's where the original paper appeared – so it will reach the same readers. This is common practice, and it should be; Zietsch & Santtila are the ones that shouldn't have published in an Elsevier journal in the first place. :-)

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 21 Sep 2012 #permalink

I’ve certainly never seen it happen.

What makes you think your sample is large enough?

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 21 Sep 2012 #permalink