Mary's Monday Metazoan: More charismatic megafauna?

Oh, no. The metazoan curator sent me this photo for this time around, and I groaned a bit: more big furries. I told her, "Where are the tubeworms, the crustaceans, the zooplankton? Why no jellyfish or echinoderms?" And she said, "But they're so cute!" and gave me that look. That look that means I have to do as I'm told.


You know, if she starts sending me cats, I'm just gonna blow up. Me posting cats? That would be one of the signs of the End Times, along with the Last Trump and deluges of blood and whores riding dragons.

(via NatGeo)


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You could draw the line at placentas. Marsupials and monotremes are okay, but no placental mammals.

Would "whores riding on dragons" count as acceptable metazoans? I'm sure they'd bump up your page-view count, at least among some particular demographic....

By Michael Kelsey (not verified) on 06 May 2013 #permalink

Just think of every picture of a big furry as a picture of an ecosystem consisting of all the smalls living there. Like a portable forest.

I ride dragons every chance i get, but i do not accept money in exchange for sexual favors.

The blood deluges are someone else, i swear.

By Double Shelix (not verified) on 08 May 2013 #permalink

hayatımız renklensin, fantazilerimiz,
heyacanlarımız gerçeklensin
istiyoruz. bizim gibi düşünen
çiftlerle, tanışıp arkadaş ve dost olmak
isteriz. sexsdostluk.....
Seviyeli, karşılıkl ı saygılı, dürüst ve güven içinde ketum olmalıyız.

hayatımız renklensin, fantazilerimiz, heyacanlarımız gerçeklensin istiyoruz. bizim gibi düşünen çiftlerle, tanışıp arkadaş ve dost olmak isteriz. ÖNCE MSN sonra sexsdostluk.....
Seviyeli, karşılıkl ı saygılı, dürüst ve güven içinde ketum olmalıyız.