Mary's Monday Metazoan: It's a jelly day


(via Larry Linton)


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Khac v?i ki?n truc su, h?a si thi?t k?,xay dung noi that la ngu?i ch?u trach nhi?m chinh trong vi?c t?o cho khong gian ngoi nha b?n th?t trang tr?ng, h?p ly, d?p m?t va giau tinh ngh? thu?t; t?o c?m giac ?m cung va g?n gui b?ng nhi?u v?t li?u n?i ngo?i th?t d?c dao. Ph?n l?n cac cong ty thi?t k? n?i th?t (TKNT) d?u th?c hi?n t? A t?i Z cac d?ch v?. T? vi?c tu v?n, cung c?p cac v?t li?u, d?n thi?t k?, th?c hi?n. Di?u do co nghia la h?

By thi cong n?i th?t (not verified) on 18 Jun 2013 #permalink

moon jellies ..they live around Long Island so I sometimes see them in the water ..BTW ive never heard anyone ever say Long Guyland ..and ive lived in queens most of my life

another btw ....people from Queens and Brooklyn hate being told that they're Long Islanders..we're New Yorkers ...period

to those who don't get that Bklyn and Qns are physically on the island but Qns and Bklyn are part of NYC

By brightmoon (not verified) on 20 Jun 2013 #permalink