Happenings in the Quantum World: Nov 7, 2007

SQuInT 2008. Quantum postdocs. Christianity as a laser. Toshiba opens lab with a quantum bent.

  • SQuInT 2008, my favorite conference, has been announced and will be Feb 14-17 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Speakers include
    • Eddie Farhi (MIT)
    • Patrick Hayden (McGill University)
    • Alex Kuzmich [unconfirmed] (Georgia Tech)
    • Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano (University of Pavia)
    • Irina Novikova (College of William & Mary)
    • Ray Simmonds (NIST Boulder)

    along with tutorials

    • Steven van Enk (University of Oregon) "Entanglement and Verification"
    • John Martinis (University of Californian, Santa Barbara) "Measuring Coherence Times"
    • Howard Barnum (Los Alamos National Laboratory) and
      Andrew Landahl (University of New Mexico) "Convexity and Positivity in Quantum Information"

    Abstracts for Talks and Posters are due November 26, 2007. Registration and Payment Deadline is December 12, 2007. Hotel Registration Deadline is January 14, 2008. It doesn't say this on the website, but I'd assume that people outside of the SquinT network should contact the organizers to attend.

    That this is the 10th SQuinT makes me feel old, but then I think about the green chilies of Santa Fe and I feel like a five year old on Christmas morning.

  • Robert Raussendorf has a postdoc position at the University of British Columbia where he is moving in the fall of 2008.
  • Sam Braunstein has a postdoc available at the University of York.
  • Why oh why do I click on the links people send me. Quantum Spirituality and a Christ Consciousness! contains such gems as "The power of small groups is in their ability to develop the discipline to get people 'in-phase' with the Christ consciousness and connected with one another." Actually this changes my view on Christianity. From now on I will think of the Christian movement as a big laser.
  • Toshiba officially opens a new research laboratory in Cambridge (the one in the UK.) Included in the list of research areas are quantum physics, speech recognition and computer vision. Hopefully not at the same time.

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Well, there is already theoretical work on quantum imaging, and as they say "two out of three ain't bad".

research areas are quantum physics, speech recognition and computer vision. Hopefully not at the same time

Why not? A+B and A+C are already research topics. A+B+C would be a bit of a stretch though...

Why not? A+B and A+C are already research topics. A+B+C would be a bit of a stretch though...

A+B ⤠(A+C) + (C+B)

Hmmm. Where have we seen that before?

Better watch out for those Christians or they'll zap you (I guess I'm living dangerously, then, since I work at a Catholic institution).

I think that you are completely misreading the Theomathematical theorem: "The power of small groups is in their ability to develop the discipline to get people 'in-phase' with the Christ consciousness and connected with one another."

Christianity displaced the paradigm of cyclical time with one that had four most important moments: (1) the astronomically-indicated 4 B.C. Virgin Birth of Yeshua ben Yusef; (2) the legal execution of the hitherto mentioned undocumented alien Rabbi, on the crossed axes of Cartesian Coordinates; (3) the entropy-reversing resurrectional events three days later; (4) the apocalyptic millennium starting when He returns, ending with the end of the physical universe.

Clearly, 'in-phase' and 'connected with one another' refer to emergent collective behaviors, almost surely scale-free, renormalized Critical Phenomena.

Mere doubt on your part will not save you from the coming Phase Change.

Mere doubt on your part will not save you from the coming Phase Change.
That made me laugh out loud.

By Daniel C. Smith (not verified) on 09 Nov 2007 #permalink