QIP 2010 - Save the Date

Via the man of many B's, dates for QIP 2010 have been set. QIP 2010 will be in Zurich from January 18 to January 22. Website here.

Hmm, Switzerland in January for skiing?

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Two conferences. Renato Renner sends along a note about QIP 2010. The paper submission deadline is one month away:QIP 2010 will be held in Zurich, Switzerland, January 18-22. The submission deadline for contributed talks is 22 October 2009. For more information, please see http://www.qip2010.ethz…
The deadline for submissions to QIP 2010 is next week, October 22. Website here
I can taste the green chilies and after conference ski trip already:QIP 2009 -- 12th WORKSHOP ON QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING Santa Fe, New Mexico USA. January 12-16, 2009. http://qipworkshop.org ................................................................ First…
As you can imagine, due to extenuating circumstances, I won't be able to attend QIP in Zurich. Luckily my collaborator Steve Flammia will be there to give the talk on our recent work on adiabatic protocols (arXiv:0905.0901 and arXiv:0912.2098.) I know there will probably be a few bloggers…

We've been lucky with the skiing at QIP the last couple of years.

Somehow I think the skiing in Singapore at QIP 2011 won't quite be able to compete.