What Do You Know About The Separation of State and Church?

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has a quiz to test your understanding of religion and politics in American history. I got 19 out of 21. How'd you do?

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Wow, that was hard. 19 out of 21 also, but I would have got 20 if I had actually READ one of the other two questions properly.

By speedwell (not verified) on 23 Nov 2009 #permalink

Sadly only 16 out of 21

By Eric Juve (not verified) on 23 Nov 2009 #permalink

Which ones threw you? I didn't know one of the groups that challenged prayer in school and the one American colony that actually allowed religious freedom. That was fascinating, I'd like to learn more about that.

I missed the "Lemon" question and did not notice the "Act of Congress" phrase on the currency question.

"The Godless Constitution" book provided a lot of my knowledge.

By kittywhumpus (not verified) on 23 Nov 2009 #permalink

16. But, I got all the Constitutional and legal questions, just missed some of the who said what history bits. Since I also missed US history schooling, being an expat Brit, I can live with that. e.g. I see no real difference between Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson.

By Gray Gaffer (not verified) on 23 Nov 2009 #permalink

I got 18 and I'm not even American.

17 out of 21, fluffed some history sad to say.

21 out of 21!!!!! I need to find a day job.

19 out of 21. I missed the answers to the questions about prayers at football games and school prayer in Wisconsin.

I got 17 out of 21. I blew it on the questions as follows:

Separation of church and state, I said France, survey said U.S. Ah well.

The "In God We Trust" I confused with the pledge. Ooops.

The 1890 Bible reading - I said Lutheran, but it was Catholics

And I wasn't up on the 2000 ruling about football prayers. Ah well.

Sadly, 17, and that was with some lucky guesses!

By Sweetwater Tom (not verified) on 23 Nov 2009 #permalink

19/21, but I wanna argue with somebody about one of my alleged "wrongs"!!1!

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 23 Nov 2009 #permalink

17/21, and I'm Canadian. I learned a lot from following these blogs.

19 out of 21 for me. I got the settlement allowing religious freedom wrong (I said Virginia because of Jefferson's Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, I guess they said early settlements and the statute was not put into law until 1779), and I guessed Falwell for the one about secular schools.

I also got 18/21, but my excuse is that I'm not an American ;)

Missed the Catholic prayer complaint and when Xmas was made a federal holiday.
Just think like a fundangelical wingnut and pick a different answer.

By natural cynic (not verified) on 23 Nov 2009 #permalink

18. Forgot the Lemon fork has three prongs.

17/20. I overestimated the early colonies religious tolerance.

My excuse is that I'm an Australian living in Netherlands!

By Ashley Moore (not verified) on 23 Nov 2009 #permalink

15. Not bad for a Swede, though, and I guess much of it comes from reading blogs like this one. I didn't know which settlements had religious freedom and I missed some of the who said what/who challenged what questions (although i guessed that a lawsuit by an atheist/agnostic would probably fail).

Another 19 out of 21.

Bet believers score lower than non-believers,

Another 19 of 21; I missed the Catholic objection to the Protestant Bible readings, and I can't tell the difference between Pat Robertson and Adolf Hitler.

I call foul on claiming that Unitarians weren't Christians -- and I'd need convincing for the Deists too.

(Although some Unitarians of that time considered themselves "Christians," they rejected the Trinity and other doctrines that most Christians today consider essential.)

Yeah, but they didn't reject the divinity of Jesus. Did any of them reject the label "Christian"?

By Physicalist (not verified) on 25 Nov 2009 #permalink