
Movable Type tells me that this is the 1,000th post to this blog since the move. This comes just short of the one-year anniversary of the move (the first posts are dated earlier, but the official launch was on January 11th, so that's when I'll do a full year-in-review.

For comparison, the total number of posts in the three-ish years of Uncertain Principles prior to ScienceBlogs was 1,087 (according to Blogger). So, my posting rate has increased just a little bit-- an average of 2.75 posts per day for the past year or so. Why the big spike, given that I promised to only blog once a day in my initial post (as drily noted by Physics World)? Two reasons: 1) I have more incentive to drive traffic here, and more frequent posting means more visits; and 2) I can schedule posts in advance, which I couldn't do with Blogger. I still only blog once a day, but I tend to schedule three or four posts during that time, to appear at intervals throughout the day.

Anyway, there's another arbitrary milestone passed. Next up: Half a million unique visits (which should come in a week or two, given normal traffic levels).

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Congrats, I guess? But you missed a golden opportunity to actually, you know, say something in your 1000th post.

(I'm just cranky because the semester begins in two hours.)